Thursday, June 28, 2018

Paxson Lake Campground

It was 3:32 p.m. in the afternoon when we finished lunch, and with bellies full of delicious Thai food, we were ready to head to Paxson Lake via the Richardson Highway. I say that like there is more than one way to get to Paxson Lake but in truth, when you are driving it is either from the north on the Richardson Highway or from the south on the Richardson Highway. We were approaching from the south.

At mile 159 the road narrows, and now has the appearance of the old road that I remember from years back with potholes to avoid on both sides, and very little shoulder on the road to buffer any slight miscalculations in driving. We started to see snow on the surrounding ground by mile 162, and it started to rain. The snowy ground gives the road an even narrower feeling; there can be no misstep, no rash movement of the steering wheel. These type of driving conditions are a test for any skilled license holder.

When we reached Meier's lake at mile 170 it begins to snow. Three more miles down the road and the snow increases its efforts to turn the landscape white. By the time we reach Paxson Lake Campground, and turn off at mile 175 the snow is coming down in steady sleet filled sheets that blur ones vision. Good thing we did not have plans to drive farther that day.

We passed the evening watching the snow accumulate, enjoyed a hot meal, and a game of 9-card golf. This was round three of the card game for the trip and I finally won.

Wildlife count for the day: two arctic hares


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