Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tip Tuesday ~ Banish your Clutter

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying ~ with over three million copies sold of Marie Kondo’s book there are bound to be just as many posts reviewing this book and her take on cleaning the clutter, forever. First published in Japan in 2010, the United Kingdom in 2014, and shortly after that becoming a household topic you might be thinking why am I just now reading and writing about this book.

I would like to say it is because of the Alaska factor that we are just too far removed from the rest of the world and that life moves slower here but that is not the case anymore for us. The World Wide Web has insured that we too are connected. In truth when I first heard about this book and started to read the reviews I thought to myself, what could I possibly learn, I am after all the Queen of Organization. What new bits of wisdom could I obtain? Then I remembered when you are on a high horse it could be a long fall back to earth.

So, I finally picked up the book and gave it a read.

Her methodology is good. The tidying process and flow with which she leads her clients and the readers through is excellent, and if you truly want to remove the clutter, and the excess stuff from your home and life, this is a worthy approach. You just need to be dedicated to the process. You need to buy into the new American Dream that less truly is more. Which I have been saying for years now, even before it was in vogue, my close friends can vouch for this, less is more!

My takeaway from reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying:

Be thankful to your belongings ~ by saying to your handbag at the end of the day before you put it away in its place ‘thank you for carrying my belongings today, you did a good job’. And by telling your shoes ‘thank you for taking me to all the places that I needed to be today, and doing it in style.’ What you are really doing is affirming to yourself that you have spent your money wisely on useful items and that you are taking care of your possessions. This can lead to a better understanding of how important it is to take care of the things in your life. You, after all, had to work hard to obtain the money to purchase these items. Plus they will last longer, and your money is well spent.

The tonnage of belongings you own does not make you a rich person, it is the quality and care you give your belongings that add extra value to your life.

Less quantity more quality.

Get everything you possibly can off the floor ~ putting items that you own in cupboards, in drawers or on shelves not only gives them a home of their own but also keeps the floors clear for easy cleaning. I personally also try to keep the large pieces of furniture to a minimum. You need a few to give your home that grounded feeling but too many can give your home a weighed down sinking feeling.

Clean floors equal a happier home.

Discard anything that doesn’t spark joy ~ this school of thought has a lot of muscle behind it but I must add in that the wrench set we own in the toolbox doesn’t spark joy in the true sense of her meaning but they are useful and have a place in our home, so they stayed. Nevertheless, do we need four 9/16th wrenchs? I think not, so only one good clean set will do nicely.

More Feng shui ~ lastly, she only touches briefly on Feng shui but I can see why as this topic is covered in many other places. I however would encourage you to learn more about the use of light, air, and the balance of energy in your home. The art of Feng shui should be the next step you take in enhancing the love for your home, once you have freed yourself from all the excess.

On an aside you might also be asking what a photo of a raft of sea otters has to do with tidying? Nothing, they are just so darn cute I could not resist posting their photo today.

That being said does anyone want a clean copy of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying? I just so happen to have one. It has given me joy and now needs to share the joy with someone else. Let me know.


Anonymous said...

Your timing is so perfect for this post. I have so much heaviness in our home and am praying for a rainy day off so I can go through things and purge and clean. I am going on line tonight to look for that book, but if you are looking for a temporary home for it, I will gladly utilize it. You are the best and I appreciate your posts and yes, the otters are a great touch. They are so cute. We have almost 100 picture of otters from Prince William Sound.

Much Love,

Julia Mist DJune said...

Hooray for perfect timing and boo to feelings of heaviness. Purge and tidy my friend, wish I was there to help. Much love backatcha dear friend!