Monday, October 10, 2016

UAF Pride

Most of you are aware of my ‘new’ job woes here at UAA, and the distress that this change has effected in my life. There were moments just before I changed jobs that I felt dislike for where I was and was looking forward to the change ahead. This could be chalked up to the classic behavior of being mad at the situation, or at a person, so that the separation is easier to make. In truth this job transition rocked me over, and set me on edge.

UAA is not UAF, not in the least. What is missing from UAA that is present at UAF? Pride! Generational pride of belonging.

In fact, I asked myself last week; am I just not looking for it or is it just not here? And after querying my co-workers old and new plus a few folks here at UAA that also have UAF roots, the answer is: it is just not here.

After 2 years 7 months and 16 days, I think I might finally be okay with this answer.

I do not work at an institution of higher education that has school spirit and pride in its identity, I work a job in the big city of Anchor-Town. The joy that I felt (most days – as every job is not perfect everyday) by having a sense of belonging to the Nanook family will have to be something that I once had, and now will cherish as a smiling memory from my past. I might one day again work for a university that resonates pride from its very foundations, until then, a nice office with a view of a patch of woods and tasks that I know how to accomplish with ease will have to do.

Happy 100th UAF!
 All my best! 
I do miss being surrounded by your school spirit!

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