Thursday, May 12, 2016

Torn Endings or New Beginnings

What is the story you want told about you right now?

An aged gentleman called my place of work yesterday, his voice was gravelly and worn with years, and he asked me if he could donate his body to science for research. During our conversation I learned that he is currently in the Pioneers Home in Fairbanks, and the only family member that he has is Outside. He wanted to know how he can make the arrangements that would grant his wish to be useful as the sun sets.

So tell me friends, what am I supposed to do with that story?

Should I have told him that "his body will be better suited to rejuvenate the Earth beneath us, returned from whence he came”? *

This causes me to rethink my story and in my currently state of mind my story might be more questions than answers, as I am torn. I am torn between the desire to stay and the longing to find more. What is there for me to complete here? What lessons left to learn? If I was to go where would the wind take me? At either end of the day what would my story say?

Torn endings or new beginnings?

*R. Smith – Astrophysicists - Stellar Interiors, Starspots, Exoplanets, Asteroseismology

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