Monday, October 12, 2015

Pro Choice

In our enlightened and educated society it only makes sense to be pro choice with the belief and faith that all will choose life, when physical and emotional health circumstances allow pro life to be the best option.

We should aim to end all unnecessary abortions.

Key word - unnecessary.

Education on abstinence, and the availability of birth control should be a focus.

What if the pendulum swings to the side where abortion is illegal and a jailable offence? Then might someone who had a spontaneous abortion, a miscarriage, also run the risk of being sentenced with jail time? The burden of proof would weigh heavy on a person who might be judged unfairly due to the perceived circumstances of their financial and physical situation. I make reference to the South American countries whose laws have only set in motion another set of quandaries.

I look forward to living in a kinder and more enlightened world where all children are cherished, educated, loved and never abused. They are our future, our hope. Perhaps then there will be no need for unnecessary abortions.

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