Friday, October 30, 2015

High Five Friday for Accomplishments!

High five Friday for accomplishments! It has been a busy week for two of my people; they have been preparing and studying, with a bit of nerves thrown in for good measure, for their big moments.

Congratulations to our oldest son for passing his Master’s thesis defense in Physics! Take a moment or two son, to bask in the glow of 'woof that is done' before you head out on your big adventure to the ice!

Photo copyright by Dietmar Schrelber – from the interwebs – thanks for letting me grab your photo from the interwebs and post it here.  I will have to get out and take my own photos of the DC9

Congratulation to my husband and best fella for passing his check-ride! He is now the proud ticket holder for a type rating in the DC9!

He can teach us all a lesson on how to let grace shine through while under Wormhole X-Treme pressure. Don’t let that shiny new ticket burn a hole in your pocket until you get home!

Have a great weekend my friends! Share the love!


Monday, October 26, 2015

Jane Goodall ~ Human, a film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Published on YouTube Sep 11, 2015 by Human the movie

"Jane Goodall is a primatologist, ethologist and anthropologist. She is the first to have observed and reported that chimpanzees use tools for feeding, deeply transforming the human-animal relationships. Today, Jane is committed to the crucial mission of alerting the public about the dangers our planet is exposed to and of changing individual behaviour towards a greater awareness of our environment. For more information on her activities, visit the Jane Goodall Institute:"

Standard YouTube License


Well worth your time.  

Friday, October 23, 2015

Meaningful Life

In the words of Martin E. P. Seligman, one of the leading psychological scientists alive today, in the meaningful life "you use your highest strengths and talents to belong to and serve something you believe is larger than the self."

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

National Chemistry Week Day 3

I hope you have enjoyed my tribute to National Chemistry Week, now get to it and enjoy the rest of the week learning a bit more about chemistry and be inspired!

Monday, October 19, 2015

National Chemistry Week

In honor of National Chemistry Week I want to share with you some of my favorite student evaluations. Each student is to fill out a handwritten comment sheet, that the instructor is given access to after all grades have been posted for the semester, but first these forms have to cross my desk for sorting.

As you know chemistry can be a tough, not so fun subject for some, while there are a few that thrive on the subject matter, and also have a very grand sense of humor.

National Chemistry Week October 18 – 24, 2015.
Theme: "Chemistry Colors Our World!"
Exploring the chemistry of dyes, pigments, and light.


Friday, October 16, 2015

Gratitude Grows

Specifically try to notice what the other person is doing
and thank them for that!

By sharing the love the gratitude grows!

Share the love my friends ~ share the love!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Where are You Local

When each new day dawns I strive to be a better version of myself than I was yesterday, with this goal in mind it seems that every day I read, hear or watch something that creates a spark within me that adds to the person that I am seeking to become. Watching the TED talk from Taiye Selasi – Don’t ask where I’m from, ask where I’m a local – was today's spark that I want to share with you.


"History and cultures are real, countries are invented."

"Where you are from can be defined by the three R’s - rituals, relationships and restrictions. Rituals in your daily lives and what they are and what they represent to you. Rituals are what is familiar that makes you feel at home. Relationships – the people who shape your weekly emotional experience. Restrictions – where are you able to live – what passport do you hold.”

And finally the home run of sparks: “The question 'where are you from' is code for why are you here.” Her answer, “My experience is where I am from” – Taiye Selasi


A few other people that I know from Fairbanks who are also now living in Anchorage say that Anchorage will eventually become home but it never truly feels right. I feel as if I am an immigrant in my own home state. I am separated from where I am local by my three R’s.

It is also worth noting that when we travel and are asked where are we from, we say Alaska. The other person sometimes answers, oh the United States. We then again say no, we are from Alaska. There really is a difference.

So my friends, where are you local?

Monday, October 12, 2015

Pro Choice

In our enlightened and educated society it only makes sense to be pro choice with the belief and faith that all will choose life, when physical and emotional health circumstances allow pro life to be the best option.

We should aim to end all unnecessary abortions.

Key word - unnecessary.

Education on abstinence, and the availability of birth control should be a focus.

What if the pendulum swings to the side where abortion is illegal and a jailable offence? Then might someone who had a spontaneous abortion, a miscarriage, also run the risk of being sentenced with jail time? The burden of proof would weigh heavy on a person who might be judged unfairly due to the perceived circumstances of their financial and physical situation. I make reference to the South American countries whose laws have only set in motion another set of quandaries.

I look forward to living in a kinder and more enlightened world where all children are cherished, educated, loved and never abused. They are our future, our hope. Perhaps then there will be no need for unnecessary abortions.

Friday, October 9, 2015

High Five Friday for My People

High five Friday for my people!
May our good Lord bless you each day with love and happiness!

And laughter!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

International Best Fella Day

To my dearest best fella, I want to thank you for being the best self-portrait photographer on the entire planet, even before it was in vogue you snapped these photos with perfection. You never miss a shot and each one captures the essences  of us, our smiling faces and the surroundings.

Thank you for being my best friend, partner in parenting, my traveling companion, and house remodel accomplice. 

Together we do good work. 
Happy birthday Captain! 
All my love!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Supper at Chena's Alaskan Grill

Supper at Chena's Alaskan Grill in Fairbanks with my favorite people in the entire world! On my top ten list of things I truly enjoy ~ supper with our boys and their girls!

Enjoy a meal with those you love every chance you get!

Friday, October 2, 2015

High Five Friday for Sharing Stories

High five Friday for sharing stories and being able to make others smile and laugh!