Thursday, August 13, 2015

San Cristobal Galapagos

Technology is a fun tool when you are traveling as you can follow your progress on the screen at your seat!

The spot of land that you see just off the wing is Kicker Rock and our first adventure destination.

The MY Grace can be seen in this photo, it is one of the larger boats to the left in the bay.

Our welcoming committee!

Our first panga ride, and as you can see it does take a bit of practice to get these style of life jackets on correctly.  We however were the first ones to have ours on, correctly.  Alex, our naturalist guide and head which-wayer said something about a prize for the first person to get their life jacket on correctly in under one minute but we never were able to collect said prize.  *smile*

Cheers to the first afternoon of our grand adventure.

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