Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tip Tuesday ~ Judge No More

We are constantly being criticized and at times judged by others.

You drive too fast.

You drive too slowly.

Your hair's too short.

Your hair's too long.

You don't see the world the way I do.

Criticize. Judge. Criticize. Judge. Criticize.

From our outward appearance to our inward beliefs we are constantly judging and being judged by others.

There is something to be said for being surrounded by like minded individuals and feeling comfortable to be yourself without the fear of being judged. Likewise there is something to be said for spending time in the world surrounded by those who will judge you. Don’t kid yourself, they will judge you.

Both situations build character as the saying goes.

We cannot control or stop what others say about us, think about us or whether they approve or disapprove of any of our driving skills, but we can control our own reactions to their conclusions.

It is this control of self that still catches me off guard when my own knee-jerk reaction tries to take over and I can feel the words frothing in my mouth to criticize them in return.

Stop. Stop. Stop.

Stop is the next word we should hear in our ears, mind, and heart.

Stop criticizing. Stop judging.

It is a very important step in showing the world the kinder person that you truly are on the inside.

1 comment:

Ken said...

Well said! This is the truth in both situation, and solution.