Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Kindness & Generosity

As the years have been added to my life my wisdom has grown to reflect a few revelations. We all have them but do we all take them to heart and give these revelations the credence they are due. Should that last sentence end in a question mark or a period? That is one of the punctuation rules that never did stick in my brain but what has stuck with me and grown is the meaning of kindness and generosity.

True kindness goes beyond a few good morning greetings or the holding of the door for the person behind you. True kindness is to speak up for someone who is not in the room when others choose to talk ill of them. You can do this by simply asking that the others end this part of the conversation and talk about a more pleasant subject matter or you can excuse yourself from the conversation and not take part. True kindness means to not express unfavorable light on someone when you would not say such words to their face. It is not finger pointing or placing blame just for diversion sake.

To be truly generous in not just the giving of gifts or trinkets wrapped in a pretty perfect bow. Generosity is something that comes from your spirit, from inside your heart.

The revelation that I have recently made about these two words, these two nouns, is that some people will learn the meaning of true kindness and generosity while others never will. It appears that some will live their entire lives being unkind to others that are around them. They will gossip and bad mouth like kindergarteners on the playground still trying to figure out where they are in the pecking order for the afternoon snack. Some of us never grow up to become kind and generous adults.

Perhaps it is just in my nature or perhaps it was part of my nurture but I know that I am a kind and generous person.

This part of my confidence still remains.


Anonymous said...

There are a few of us here that also know you are a kind and generous person. Ask my kids, ask my husband. They have not known you as long as I have, but they know. You have shown them. Remember when I was first diagnosed with my nasty disease. You researched and mailed me so much information to teach me. The books you made for the girls, the calls, the cards, you impressed them with the weekly post cards to your grandpa, (they mentioned that this weekend). You make a wonderful impact, and those of us that you touch are truly better because of you. Don't get me started on your boys. Have a great day, much love, Grace.

Julia Mist DJune said...

Thank you dear friend, you are the best!