Thursday, October 9, 2014

Great Grandma's Art

Today I celebrate the joy that fills my heart seeing my Great Grandma's art.  She was born in 1901 in rural Nebraska and spent her teenage years living in Wyoming.  She was a teacher, a musician's wife, a fashion statement on a small budget and chief deputy tax clerk of Eugene Oregon when she retired.  I am truly blessed to have gotten to know her as a young person and to now have some of her belongings and journals.

Passing along the joy of family past to the future!  May we each have a story worth telling, one filled with love and happy memories.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sweet AK Daughter!! Just catching up on your blog after a very hectic 10 days. : ) I LOVE your grandma's art! Did you notice the cloud in the upper right corner of the first picture?? It looks like an angel flying from right to left..I wonder if she knew when she painted it or was it coincidental?? LOVE YOU!! xoxoxoxox nymomnbob

Julia Mist DJune said...

Oh what a nice find, I love finding angels, great job. Love from AK!