Thursday, December 5, 2013

Summer Cabin Project ~ Power Ditch

The power might be on our property but it does not do any good unless you dig a ditch to the house for the direct bury power cable. It was hard work but our giant Bear made it look so easy that we will never know the truth of all the back breaking labor that went into it. A job worth being proud of completing!

 Admiring their handy work!

Progress at times seemed slower than traveling the Oregon Trail but I must admit that when I look back at the photos and see all the progress we made I am amazed!

I hope you are enjoying our summer project re-cap.  There are a few more sets of photos and progress to come.

Happy Thursday!


Anonymous said...

I'd like to order one just like it please. : ) Just beautiful! GREAT JOB! Love U.xoxo nym&b

Julia Mist DJune said...
