Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tip Tuesday ~ Etiquette Part Two

Everyday Etiquette from Emily Post (this other blog is now MIA)

Etiquette is a code of behavior based on honesty, respect, and consideration.

Your Personal Image

It's no secret that in twenty-first-century America, casual has trumped more formal ways of dressing. But even in this more laid back world, "casual" should never be sloppy. The clothes we wear and the way we groom ourselves represent how we choose to present ourselves to others and reflect the importance we assign to the occasion.

Each of us is responsible for the image we project. Taking that responsibility seriously is a clear signal of your respect for others. If you choose to go on a date without cleaning up first, you are responsible when your date decides they don't want to see you again.


We use daily manners constantly without even thinking. From greeting and introducing others to making requests and expressing thanks, these simple exchanges are the foundation of all interactions. Since our choices impact others, it is important to make our choices thoughtfully, so as to communicate a considerate awareness of oneself and others.

What does your personal image tell the world? Mine is telling the world that I am in need of a hair cut. Happy tip Tuesday!