Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Perfection is the enemy of the "get'er done"!

There are those days when I just want this or that done.  Finished! Checked off the list and the need to just get'er done hits me hard.

Then the need to aim for perfection knocks at the door of get'er done and has me slow down and do the job right.

Christmas projects might feel like they are stacking up against you but remember that the joy of creating should be just that ~ a joy.

Enjoy whatever you are currently creating and Merry Christmas!


Ken said...

Your commitment is an inspiration to us all! Your projects always turn out so well, and are finished exactly when they need to be. So I think you have a great balance between getting it right and getting it done. You are awesome!

Julia Mist DJune said...

Thanks for the encouragement... I needed that!