Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Time for a Break

Our school buses are modified to have their tail pipes exhaust out the top of the bus so that the lights can still be seen on these cold days.

We are ready for some fun in the sun on a sandy beach.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

One Day Closer to Christmas

And you thought Santa only traveled by Reindeer.

He's checking his list are you ready?

Friday, December 21, 2012

A Little Christmas Shopping

Do you need to purchase a different type of Christmas gift this year... this just might be the place for you!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Welcome to North Pole Alaska

The place where everyone and most the businesses are in the Christmas spirit ~ year round!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Just a Little Shaker ~ Earthquake 3.54

There was a little shaker last night.  It was a low rumble that shook the house for just a few moments.  It would have gone unnoticed if we were asleep but alas we were still awake.

For the recent earthquake information in Alaska check out the Alaska Earthquake Information Center.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


All I have to present is my silence. I stand at attention with honor and quiet reserve. Prayers of peace I offer to all with the strength to get up each morning followed by the will to go to sleep each night knowing that tomorrow will be a better day. For tomorrow we know not what gifts we have to share with another. Tomorrow we will make a difference in someone’s life.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Cold Sunrise

Cold mornings do make for nice sunrises.  
Just as long as you are above the icefog.
Icefog otherwise known as pea soup!


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Bring it On!

National Weather Service has issued a winter storm warning for the area until Thursday 12-13-12 at 3 pm.

Heavy blowing snow is present on all area roadways creating poor visibility and hazardous conditions. Please exercise care when driving and take precautions.

It's dark, the roads have disappeared and driving has become a slow dance.  A fancy waltz where everyone needs to know the precise steps or the entire room runs a-muck.

The best part is it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  Drive safe!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Perfection is the enemy of the "get'er done"!

There are those days when I just want this or that done.  Finished! Checked off the list and the need to just get'er done hits me hard.

Then the need to aim for perfection knocks at the door of get'er done and has me slow down and do the job right.

Christmas projects might feel like they are stacking up against you but remember that the joy of creating should be just that ~ a joy.

Enjoy whatever you are currently creating and Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Pearl Harbor Remembered

The USS Missouri, also known by her nickname 'Mighty Mo', was the last battleship ever constructed by the United States. It is also the only ship in the naval fleet to have fired her guns in both World War II and Persian Gulf Wars. Most significantly, however, was her role in bringing the Second World War to its conclusion; the Empire of Japan formally surrendered to the United States on her decks on September 2, 1945.

 The Official Pearl Harbor Tour Site 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Busy hands are happy hands we are happier when we are busy and when our dance card is full.

May your dance card be full with wonderful partners to keep you busy.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Yup afraid so....

Such Beauty

All my life I will sit looking out the window and wonder how such beauty came to be with such precision and care every detail is intertwined.  Every tree, every shrub and all the creatures know just what to do and which season it should be accomplished.  Like clock work our sun rises at the exact moment predicted never wavering nor faltering.

With all this exactness where does man fit into the equation? What instincts do we follow as inhabitants of this earth? What benefits do we provide each other?

I am but one observer, one partaker so I know that my part is small yet I will do all I can to add beauty to the lives of those around me. Who knows maybe my small part will ripple rings of joy far into the future.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Best of Both Worlds

The best of both worlds ~ Minnesota Wild Rice and Alaska King Salmon!