Saturday, April 7, 2012


Living in a haze of white and gray has put a damper on my ability to find the happy.  Winter was long, dark and filled with questions.  I was unfocused, unproductive and on the edge of quitting. What was there to care about?  The dishes ~ nope.  My job ~ big fat no! Eating ~ if cheese was not involved I seldom cared.  It's a good thing that for Christmas we received a huge box filled with East Coast cheese, so there was plenty of the lifesaving goodness in the refrigerator.

If only there was goodness outside the icebox.

It is time to close the refrigerator door, the cheese is all gone anyway, do the dishes and get back to what we do best around here ~ smile!

A few friends have abandoned me during the darkness of this troubled winter and in the eyes of some of our family we have all drifted so far North that we are no longer visible to their hearts.

Ashes on the wind across the frozen pack-ice heading out to no-mans-land.

The lion's teeth of March bit down hard on my heart as we passed through the eye of the storm and in the calm still of the hour it was as if I was dead.  Neither did I have the strength to breathe nor blink. In this stillness I could only see a few bright stars overhead and they beckoned unto me to step out of the storm and without their guidance all would have been lost.

The refrigerator door is closed, the dishes are done and put away and my heart is filling again with the gratitude of love received in the small gifts that life brings.

May the winter melt away and summers color fill our hearts with joy.


Anonymous said...

Oh daughter........I wish that we lived closer. I would hug you to pieces. We think of you every day. We love you very much. Better days are ahead to share. Love you daughter! Mom & Bob xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Julia Mist DJune said...

Thank you so much for the love you have always shared with me! You both are very dear to me and I can feel the hugs from here! Love you too!

Anonymous said...

My young daughters look up to the stars as well for guidance, knowing someone is looking down on them. Obviously, you look at the stars too, and sometimes, we are gazing on the same. You are in our hearts everyday. The days are getting longer, and warmth and sunshine are following, along with the tulips. I suggest a batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies and a phone call with a dear friend. My heart is filled with joy. Keep smiling. We love all of you. Lisa

Julia Mist DJune said...

Same moon too! I love that about the moon and the stars, no matter where you are and how far away I am we can both look up at the same celestial point. Thank you for the kind words and news that your tulips are showing their faces... why do I still live here and not there?! Soon... soon! Love you too ~ hugs to those awesome girls.