Saturday, March 31, 2012

Clover Lane

1. Getting up earlier than the kids, if at all possible, even for 15 minutes, makes my day magically run so much smoother.

2. If I want to get any big project accomplished, I need to break it down into tiny steps so it won't be overwhelming and I won't feel frustrated.

3. Planning meals and ingredients and a weekly shopping trip is essential.  Trying to think of what to make for dinner at 5 p.m. makes me miserable, as does not having the right ingredients.  And hungry children at 6:00 p.m. are really really scary.

4. If I want free time, it MUST be planned.  It will never just happen.  Someone will always need something.  It is up to me to plan for it, and if I complain about not having a minute to myself, I only have one person to blame: me.

5. Positive reinforcement goes much farther than nagging, harping, and criticizing

Found this over on Clover Lane.  Smart lady!
updated 9/25/2015 ~ link removed as it no longer works

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