Saturday, March 31, 2012

Clover Lane

1. Getting up earlier than the kids, if at all possible, even for 15 minutes, makes my day magically run so much smoother.

2. If I want to get any big project accomplished, I need to break it down into tiny steps so it won't be overwhelming and I won't feel frustrated.

3. Planning meals and ingredients and a weekly shopping trip is essential.  Trying to think of what to make for dinner at 5 p.m. makes me miserable, as does not having the right ingredients.  And hungry children at 6:00 p.m. are really really scary.

4. If I want free time, it MUST be planned.  It will never just happen.  Someone will always need something.  It is up to me to plan for it, and if I complain about not having a minute to myself, I only have one person to blame: me.

5. Positive reinforcement goes much farther than nagging, harping, and criticizing

Found this over on Clover Lane.  Smart lady!
updated 9/25/2015 ~ link removed as it no longer works

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Moving On ~ vs ~ Moving Forward

While standing in line awaiting our turn to be next we over heard a bit of the conversation that was happening just beside us.  An older fella asked another younger looking fella "how are you doing since his father has passed away"?

"We are moving on" said the younger fella in a rather monotone voice without much inflection in his words.  Then he proceeded to talk about what his Mom was up to and what he was doing these days for his job or job prospects as it were.

We moved up in the line and these fellas drifted away from us and my heart thought for a moment ~ moving on ~ how can you move on at the loss of someone so great in your life as my Dad is to all of us?

You move on from a bad job.  You move on with your life after a bad relationship but to move on after the loss of my father is not for me, nor for any of us I figure.

Moving forward ~ I choose to move forward with my life ~ best I can muster on some days.  On other days I feel stronger, there is strength to be gained in the joining of our hearts and the banding together and I am thankful every day for the hugs from my strong sons & husband!

We are moving forward ~ best we can ~ gaining strength everyday ~ I know Dad would be proud!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Ice Art Competition

Spend an afternoon at the Ice Park enjoying the wonderful ice carvings at the World Ice Art Championship 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sunny Days

When I talk about the sun shinning and looking forward to springs arrival I think that it is only fair that I share with you what our landscape still looks like.

It is going to be a while yet for all this white stuff to completely melt away before we truly see the brown of the ground beneath but the sun shine is nice even if it is only + 7 degrees F.  Our youngest son shoveled off the lower roof already once this year so the snow load is lighter. Also note the oh so blue sky ~ gotta love that color!

Hope you are enjoying spring in your corner of this wonderful world!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Birthday Program

When you call our house phone line this is what you might hear:

Birthday program you're on the air...

This serves a three fold purpose: 
1. It might indeed be your birthday and man wouldn't that just extra make your day.

2. If it is not your birthday you will just think to yourself, did I call the right number and then think ahww those crazy people at that house. But we did make you smile ~ admit it!

3. If someone is calling us that does not know us and only wants to sell us something or ask us to participate in some survey, well they politely say "excuse me we have the wrong number".

Either way it was nice talking with you! Hope you have a great birthday!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Broken Glass

Perspective ~ see the glass as already broken.

The essence of this teaching is that all of life is in a constant state of change.  Everything has a beginning and everything has an end.  Every tree begins with a seed and will eventually transform back into earth.  Every rock is formed and every rock will vanish.  In our modern world, this means that every car, every machine, every piece of clothing is created and all will wear out and crumble; it's only a matter of when.

A glass is created and will eventually break.

There is peace to be found in this teaching.  When you expect something to break, you're not surprised or disappointed when is does. Instead of becoming immobilized when something is destroyed, you feel grateful for the time you have had.

Obviously, no one wants their favorite drinking glass or anything else, to be broken.  This philosophy is not a prescription for becoming passive or apathetic, but for making peace with the way things are. When your drinking glass does break, this philosophy allows you to maintain your perspective.  Rather than thinking, "Oh my God," you'll find yourself thinking, "Ah, there it goes."

With this awareness you'll find yourself not only keeping your cool but appreciating life as never before.


Don't Sweat the Small Stuff  by Richard Carlson
Chapter (lesson) 53

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Whole Thing Is

The whole thing is ~ the whole thing is there is no thing. There is nothing in this world that is worth getting worked up over.  Oh don't get me wrong I understand that there are certain circumstances that are worthy of a bit of worry, worthy of your energy and heart, and worthy of your time.  But nothing should be worth blood, tears and toil. Except your soul.

When we struggle and battle over the small stuff that 100 years from now will not amount to a hill of bean we are only wasting our energies.

Remember, one hundred years from now, all new people ~ this idea can fill us with some needed perspective during times of perceived crisis or stress.

Fill your life with love  ~ we must be a vision and a source of love in order to set an example for others to follow suit.

Realize the power of your own thoughts ~ the next time you're feeling upset, notice your thinking, it will be negative. Remind yourself that it's your thinking that is negative, not your life.

Keep asking yourself, what's really important? This strategy can help you align your actions with your goals and encourage you to make more conscious, loving decisions.

Live this day as if it were you last.  It might be!


These are a few of the chapter titles  from 
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson.


A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance
but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

Proverbs 15:13

Friday, March 16, 2012

Middle March

Middle of March is when the sun in higher in the sky and the cold arctic winter has just lost its grip on us.  Summer will be here in a blink of an eye and all will again be right with our world.  Spring will come and go in a flash and we will again welcome the midnight sun! 

Bring on the sunshine!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Daylight Savings

Is it truly possible to save time for later?  Package it up in a box.  Can it in a jar.  Move it from one place to another.  We all know this is only a pipe dream and that time is only relevant to what we mark on our watches and that we are unable to save it for later.  What is a constant is the rise and set of the sun that marks one day no matter what time we assign to this event, it is only one day.

Each new day comes with a set of challenges and blessings. Most days I can turn my challenges into blessings as they are learning events that add to my wisdom and with luck do not take away any grace in the process.  There still are those days when the challenges that turn an ugly face in my direction get the best of me and it takes me several days to find the good news among the bad.

Each day we are given an allotment of time.  We cannot save it for later we must use it now.  Use it wisely and use is well.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Proverbs 7:4

Say to wisdom, "You are my sister,
call insight your intimate friend."

Proverbs 7:4

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Everlasting Light

Your sun shall no more go down,
nor your moon withdraw itself;
For the Lord will be your everlasting light,
and your days of mourning shall be ended.

Isaiah 60:20

Saturday, March 3, 2012


It will always be a Thursday night to me, no matter the date, that my father left us in a rush.  A rush not of his choosing and one of a higher calling for which only our Lord God knows why.

Thursday’s events are that of any other day of the week where the mundane tasks of the day are forgotten the moment they have passed, yet still I can remember that evening with clarity and recollection so vivid it seems to have transpired only yesterday and moments ago.

Dad and I had spoken on the phone that night as was his custom of the past few years, since cell phones came to be in our family. His cell phone was a new lease on life.  He was now connected.  Connected to the outside world beyond the cabin in the woods by the river.  Connected to his family and friends.  Freedom!  We would call each other two three times a week just to say ‘hey’ and see how each other’s day was, tell each other a story or two.  I was not the only one to receive such calls, he would call his Grandsons, Josh, brother John, and there was the morning calls from Warren.  Warren had retired from teaching a few years back and liked to remind Merle of his joy at not having to go into school to be around all those knuckle heads.

I would later find out that on this Thursday late in the afternoon Dad had a nice long conversation with his Dad, Grandpa Lloyd.  It brings joy to my heart to know that father and son had a visit together that day.

This random Thursday Dad and I talked about nothing real important, no deep revelations on life, in fact at one point he put me on speaker phone so he could have both hands free to load the woodstove in the garage for the night.  I can still hear his voice in my ears “yup this new woodstove is great”.  He just loved that new woodstove, it kept the garage, his sanctuary, warm and toasty all night long and into the next day with one fill up.  It made him giddy as a farmer with a new tractor, just to talk about it.  Yet for us, Josh the boys and I, we would give a little grimace as the new woodstove only meant more work for us.  You see we are the wood crew.  Bucking, splitting, and stacking the winter wood supply for the house and now the garage.  But it made him so darn happy none of us had the heart to tell him we weren’t too sure about all the work it would bring.

After he had the wood stove all set for the night he said “well I guess I should be getting ready for bed.  Talk at you later.  Love you daughter”.

“Love you too Pops”.

As I write this tonight it is just one hour away from the end of that phone call one year later.

That random Thursday Bretten and I finished the evening and got ourselves ready for bed too.  I remember still how I was feeling when I laid down, rolled over, and had just drifted off to sleep to be awakened by the ring of the house phone.

Drew was on the other end, he said Grandma just called and we need to get to the hospital, Grandpa had had a heart attack.  I had turned my cell phone off for the night and Drew was at the University late studying and had his phone on to receive Grandma’s call.

Dressing in a hurry I turned my phone back on, called Josh to tell him where we were going and that we would keep him posted.  He works during the week flying out of Anchorage so was not in town. Driving to the hospital, meeting up with Drew, having the emergency room staff ask me for Dad’s date of birth, sitting down only to stand right back up as the State Troopers car pulled up out front and Mom getting out and rushing in to find us.  Walking back through the emergency room and being shown to a little waiting room in the corner, never a good thing, that little room.  These events are all too crystal clear in my memory.

The nurse was kind and the doctor was solemn, a bit straight forward but I suppose there is no other way to be given the news he had to deliver.

The four of us huddled together to cry.  I caught my breath long enough to call Josh and told him to come home.

I called Uncle John and Aunt Marilyn.  Time zones and lateness of the hour are tough things when there is news that just should not wait till morning.  I knew Dad would not want me to wait.

Then I called Uncle Jim and Aunt Karen, no blood relation save for the spirit of blood that runs deep through your heart, the kind of people that you cherish deeply and scarcely know what to do without.

It was only a short while later when they arrived at the hospital to gather us up and see us home.  Without them none of us would have had the where-for-all or strength to leave.

As we were walking out I asked Uncle Jim “we have to leave without Dad”?

“It’s just his body” he said, “Your Dads with us… it’s going to be all right”.

One More Day

What would you give for just one more day?  

One more day to set everything in your life right. 

One more day to settle all your debts and right a few wrongs. 

What would you put on your list to accomplish for this one more day?
