Thursday, December 1, 2011

21 Days

Time changes everything and sometimes it changes like the water in the toilet bowl. Flush after flush in comes the poop out goes the poop. You keep flushing! You keep thinking this time it's going to go.

How about now?


Yet the toilet bowl is still full of blather; rubbish; baloney; bunk; poppycock; twaddle... crap!

It is said that the more things change the more they remain the same. 


Do I need something to change or is it just the winter talking?

Only the sun of spring time can show me the answer!

21 day to the winter solstice when the sun will be at it's lowest point in the sky and it will start the slow climb back.

Can we hold on long enough to make the climb back with the sun? 

Prayers will work wonders and are greatly appreciated!

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