Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fall Fashion Show

Fall has been great this year in the North land.  It is September 14th and there has been no measurable snow fall in the interior.  The temperatures are dipping into the mid 30’s and the days have been warming up into the mid 50’s.  There are still a few geese and a small number of cranes around but I expect them to be gone any second.  I am not sure when the robins are supposed to leave town but there are still a few hanging around our neighborhood eating the fruit from the lilac trees and pooping out the seeds on our deck.  Perhaps this is a sign that our fall will last a while longer.

Fall and especially Indian summers in the Midwest were always my favorite time of year as a child.  Duck hunting season, cutting firewood with my Dad season and helping my Mom put the honey bees and garden to bed for the winter season.  Great memories!

The red color that these few birch trees are dressed in is a bit unusual for this area as the cold weather normally moved in so quickly that the leaves do not have a chance to even think about turning red.  We also might have had just the right amount of sun and rain this summer for these few trees to produce the right amount of chemistry for a red fall fashion show, whatever the reason it makes for the most enjoyable fall view.

Enjoy fall in your part of the world.

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