Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tribute to the Little Mouse

Our Little Mouse passed away this past Saturday!

Long live the Little Mouse in Kitty Heaven!

She was 18 and a half years old.
We buried her at the boys property on Sunday ~ it was a cool rainy morning.

Miss you!


CJ said...

Sorry to hear about Little Mouse, her and Iris Rose can play together in kitty heaven. They are about the same age. I miss my bossy fat cat...

Julia Mist DJune said...

Thanks for the note CJ ~ it was an awful weekend ~ poor Little Mouse a.k.a. Lonely Mouse, Mouska, Mouse-k-tier, and Crypty (she was old and crypt keeper like).

Kitty Heaven for all our beloved cats! Kitty ~ Fluffy ~ Kitty Boxes ~ Iris Rose ~ Little Mouse! Every Kitty is welcome!