Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Great Day in Cordova & Childs Glacier

We had such a great time in Cordova ~ Alaska’s best kept secret!  It is a cute little fishing town surrounded by hills and snow covered peaks.  Eyak Lake is full of fish that swim in from the ocean via the Eyak River.  There are glaciers and a large delta teeming with shore birds, eagles, moose and bears.  This is where Eagle Eyes Candee got her name ~ she could spot an eagle from a 100 yards away.  She saw the bear and later the rest of us saw the bear scat and she was the one who spotted the swans nesting when it was just their necks peeking above the grass.

I could post a MILLION photos of the Childs Glacier ~ a MILLION!  It was a great afternoon spent watching and listening to the glacier move!  It groaned and cracked sounding like gun fire and rumbling thunder as it caved and fell into the Copper River in chunks the size of semi tractor trailers.  


You could feel the cool breeze off the glacier and watch the waves from the falling ice cross the river and make their way to the other side of the bank ~ the one we were standing on.

All I can say is WOW!  What a great day!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ferry Ride to Cordova


 Ferry ride on the Alaska Marine Highway system from Valdez to Cordova.

It was a great ride with calm waters and just the right mix of sun and clouds.

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Perry ~ Valdez Alaska

We were in Valdez on the 4th of July and were there for their 4th celebration parade. It was the best small town parade I have ever had the privilege to be in attendance as a bystander. It started at 12:15 p.m. and every parade participant tossed candy to the crowd. Everyone was smiling, laughing and all the kids were scurrying to pick up a bit of morsel of goodness.

The parade ended at 12:30 p.m.

Short and sweet!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Old Railroad Tunnel

This story reads like any old west story from back in the day.  
Pioneering Alaska was similar to pioneering out West.  
Then again Alaska has not change much in some regards.  
We are still rugged.
We are still very much individuals.
We still have a bit of the crazies that just wont leave.
All reasons why I am glad we live here!


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer Fire Update

Every summer there is some area of the Tanana Valley flats on fire and each year it gets closer to the Tanana River which flows south of town.  Here is a photo from two days ago where the fire is on this side of Clear Creek Butte.

Worthington Glacier

It was a bit windy and cool when we stopped at Worthington Glacier.  Matanuska Glacier was so far away and melting and even though Worthington Glacier too is receding you are able to be a bit closer to the glacier.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tribute to the Little Mouse

Our Little Mouse passed away this past Saturday!

Long live the Little Mouse in Kitty Heaven!

She was 18 and a half years old.
We buried her at the boys property on Sunday ~ it was a cool rainy morning.

Miss you!

Chitina & the Copper River

Moose right in the Village/Town of Chitina

Young bull Moose on the side of the road

Copper River

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lodging at Copper Center

Copper River Princess Wilderness Lodge ~ great room rates via the web! It was a sunny evening and Mt. Drum was visible in the distance which made a great backdrop for fun photos!  Rooms are nice, the food however is Princess Tours food for the tourist and not the fresh home cooked meals we had at other places.  Breakfast was good ~ hard to goof up omelets!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Copper Center

We ended up finding a couple of great items at the 
Olde Village Shop in Copper Center.

Great day of sightseeing and visiting!

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Yes you are reading correctly ~ it is $4.699 per gallon of gas and $3.25 for a pound of flour in Eureka Alaska.  Neat little village on the high plateau on the Glenn Highway.