Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Silly Little Secret

There is a silly little secret that I have been carrying, well it is not a secret really and there are a few of you that know this silly little truth.

Truth is my Dad was one of my biggest fans and quiet followers of this spot on the web. During the school year I would try to post something every working day and my Dad would read it in the morning before his school day started. Several times when I would get busy and fall too far behind Dad would ask me “so daughter when are you going to post something next”?

I would post photos of projects we were working on, post photos of the view from my office window or post something that I had written the night before. As you read in the post archives tell me which ones are your favorites, just remember I am not an English major and might not have the punctuation quite right, I might not have used the correct tense, but I do at times use words that you would not think should be there and it is a play on words using a definition that is not used in normal conversation.

The posts titled Cartwheels and Windfall come to mind as two where the words used have specific meaning and placement.

I think that I am going to keep posting photos and thoughts as they rattle around my brain and in my heart and with summer approaching there will be new light to see and new adventures to pursue.

Thank you for stopping by and if you are not a regular reader you could become a new fan & follower.


CJ said...

Let this summer shine with love ane renewal.....

Mrs. Mom said...

YES keep posting!! I love it! (Love you guys too, but y'all knew that already...)
