Friday, April 29, 2011

Worry or Wisdom

What is that I see on my face?  Worry or wisdom?  Have I worried my eyes to a pale blue or is it just the dim light adding shadows to my face?

Have the years given me wisdom making my eyes deep and reflective?  Do I truly know more today than I did yesterday?

Do I have more wisdom than I do worries?

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Through the eyes of the innocent comes the truth of love.  When it comes down to it is there truth in love?  Or does love just stand on its own ground, truth not withstanding.

Pillars of love standing their ground.  Standing on your heart and filling you to the brim, occupying all the space your chest has to offer. Grounded in love.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Word of the Day ~ Divagate


verb intr.: To wander or digress.

From Latin divagatus, past participle of divagari (to wander off), from dis- (away) + vagari (to wander). Earliest documented use: 1599. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


In the dark your name comes into my heart bringing with it sweet memories of sunny days spent together. There is something about your presence that makes me giddy on the inside. There is something about your absence that chills me through and through.


Sunday, April 24, 2011


You are a jewel around my neck.  Cherished unto me as no other can be worn.  Cultivated in the light of day to nourish my weary heart.  Held in such high esteem not even the Whippoorwill, in the dark of night can diminish your luster.

The heat of your glow blushes my skin with exuberance and shivers run their course down my spine.  The jewel of your love given freely, worn with pride, warms me in the night to luminosity.  A light to rival the brightness of any full moon.

Your love is forever cherished.  Always welcome, and all else is forfeit.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


In the late hour of the day your voice sounds loud and clear in my ears.  Without hearing all that you have to say I can feel your soothing words ease the tension of my tired bones.  I hear your words as they wash over me, flooding my core with reassurance, guidance and fulfillment.

In the late hour of the day your love satisfies.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Like a River

What is it about rivers that are calming and inviting to the soul?  It is the sound of the trickling rolling water?  Or the grasses at the river’s edge that sway in the flowing water?

Why is it said “life is like a river”?  Is it because rivers are ever flowing gracefully along and ever transforming our world just as our lives are altered by minor or major events?  Perhaps life is like a river because there are calm soothing waters and cascades at times that surge and tumble our lives into momentary chaos.  


Yet in the end the waters again quiet and tranquility returns to our lives.   

Like a river!

May the waterfalls in your life be brief and may peaceful serenity long linger most of your days.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

You and I

Currently listening to You and I by Ingrid Michaelson on her album Be OK


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Word of the Day ~ Gordian


adjective: Highly intricate; extremely difficult to solve.

In Greek mythology, King Gordius of Phrygia tied a knot that defied all who tried to untie it. An oracle prophesied that one who would undo this Gordian knot would rule Asia. Alexander the Great simply cut the knot with one stroke of his sword. Hence the saying, "to cut the Gordian knot", meaning to solve a difficult problem by a simple, bold, and effective action. Earliest documented use: 1579. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lonely Days Without You

There are lonely days without you.
What can bring about a happier heart?
A good song with a good beat.

Sun and salt water to heal the heart.

Enjoy this song on YouTube. Timmy Curran ~ Lonely


Saturday, April 16, 2011

What Would You Change?

What would you change if you had the chance?  The color of your hair?  The sheets on your bed?  Or perhaps the cat box?  Would you take that leap of faith and change something that has been digging at your craw for the longest time?

I have had a ton of things change lately and not by my choice so the thought of change makes me a bit woozy and weak in the knees.  But change is good, it keeps us sharp and unafraid. Heart burn might be a result to some changes but this too shall pass and the new fresh day will rise and shine in all it's glory.

What would you change if you were not afraid?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

No Bully Zone

Bullies are everywhere. They push you on the playground when you are young.  They mock you at the bus stop and make fun of the way you dress.  Sometimes they are your peers and sometimes they are the principal at your high school. 

They think they can intimidate and browbeat you just because they are “the principal” and they see you just as “the stupid student”.  Well I can tell you we do not stand for that type of behavior in our family and the principal should be ashamed of herself for the way she treated one of the student, my son. 

Never become complacent!  

Never let anyone persecute you! 

Never let the bully tyrant have their way!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Back to Work ~ Guestroom Project

Getting back to it and by it I am talking about our guestroom remodel project that we started in February.  We are at the paint the walls stage and this weekend I spent an afternoon painting.  Two of the walls are white, one wall is a light cream and the last wall has been painted with three different colors from the light cream to a dark brown.

This week the carpet will be put in and next weekend the window trim, new door and floor trim and new paint on the door.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Who Moved My Cheese?

Who Moved My Cheese?

"Having cheese makes you happy.
The more important your cheese is to you the more you want to hold on to it.
If you do not change you can become extinct.
What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
Smell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old.
Movement in a new direction helps you find new cheese.
When you move beyond your fear, you feel free.
Imagining myself enjoying new cheese even before I find it, leads me to it.
The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.
It is safer to search in the maze than remain in a cheeseless situation.
Old beliefs do not lead you to new cheese.
When you see that you can find and enjoy new cheese, you change course.
Noticing small changes early helps you adapt to the bigger changes that are to come.
Move with the cheese and enjoy it!"


Friday, April 8, 2011

Love Is The Movement


Music to fill your Friday with good thoughts.

Love Is The Movement by Swtichfoot


Thursday, April 7, 2011

To Be

Below written in January after watching a documentary on Princess Diana and it seemed fitting to post today.

To be admired by a few or millions, the outcome is still the same; time will diminish most of that lost feeling. It is and will always be your close family that laments your passing till the end of their days.  In the years that follow others may still feel a pang or tug at their heart but it is family whose hearts will always weep.

Time becomes history till history passes itself off as fiction and all is forgotten.  Great lights go out every day, sometimes you are watching and other times you think it is a trick of mirrors.

May you always remember the truth that history offers with an open heart.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Silly Little Secret

There is a silly little secret that I have been carrying, well it is not a secret really and there are a few of you that know this silly little truth.

Truth is my Dad was one of my biggest fans and quiet followers of this spot on the web. During the school year I would try to post something every working day and my Dad would read it in the morning before his school day started. Several times when I would get busy and fall too far behind Dad would ask me “so daughter when are you going to post something next”?

I would post photos of projects we were working on, post photos of the view from my office window or post something that I had written the night before. As you read in the post archives tell me which ones are your favorites, just remember I am not an English major and might not have the punctuation quite right, I might not have used the correct tense, but I do at times use words that you would not think should be there and it is a play on words using a definition that is not used in normal conversation.

The posts titled Cartwheels and Windfall come to mind as two where the words used have specific meaning and placement.

I think that I am going to keep posting photos and thoughts as they rattle around my brain and in my heart and with summer approaching there will be new light to see and new adventures to pursue.

Thank you for stopping by and if you are not a regular reader you could become a new fan & follower.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

On the Mend

On the mend without Dad ~ tough thing to do ~ the sun shines and we find laughter to get us heading in the right direction. One can only imagine how difficult it is to adjust to life without a parent; I am enrolled in this crash course as we speak. I aim to show the world a positive disposition which I’m sure will see me through along with strength from our most gracious Lord and I also hope this will be a great example for those close to Dad.

I miss him terribly ~ we all miss him so bad it’s hard to know where to go, what to feel or how to act. One thing I do know is that Dad would be telling me “Daughter quit your moping and get on with it!” It is OK to keep moving forward, we can honor him best by being happy and by emulating his kind caring heart and ways.

Here’s to life on the mend and the healing powers of our Lord, friends, family, laughter and sunshine.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Friends & Family

In life we have our friends and our family.  Some friends fade, they come and go with the tide; others grow barnacles and are with you forever.  Why is it that some friendships grow and others wash away?

What makes us bind one to the other, fate, choice or chance?  Perhaps a lesson left unlearned or untaught or perhaps we were meant to encourage each other through thick and thin.  In life we have friends and we have family.  In Alaska we have our friends who become our family; a family of choice in place of our family or origin. 

When people transplant themselves to Alaska they make a family of friends and think that this substitute is just fine, that it can take the place of our true family, yet in the end it usually cannot.  Family will be with you through high and low tide.  They will cling to you for comfort, for laughter, love and true friendship all the days of your life.  Only a true friend would be there for you during these times.

We can’t choose our family but we can choose our friends.  Choose wisely and they will be with you all your long days.  I have recently discovered that I made a wise choice and have both a good family and good friends who are my family!

Thank you somehow is just not enough! Please feel the deeper meaning in my words and know that I love you, I cherish you and I need you every day!