In life we have our friends and our family. Some friends fade, they come and go with the tide; others grow barnacles and are with you forever. Why is it that some friendships grow and others wash away?
What makes us bind one to the other, fate, choice or chance? Perhaps a lesson left unlearned or untaught or perhaps we were meant to encourage each other through thick and thin. In life we have friends and we have family. In Alaska we have our friends who become our family; a family of choice in place of our family or origin.
When people transplant themselves to Alaska they make a family of friends and think that this substitute is just fine, that it can take the place of our true family, yet in the end it usually cannot. Family will be with you through high and low tide. They will cling to you for comfort, for laughter, love and true friendship all the days of your life. Only a true friend would be there for you during these times.
We can’t choose our family but we can choose our friends. Choose wisely and they will be with you all your long days. I have recently discovered that I made a wise choice and have both a good family and good friends who are my family!
Thank you somehow is just not enough! Please feel the deeper meaning in my words and know that I love you, I cherish you and I need you every day!