Friday, December 30, 2011


There are a lot of words in this world that we can say to one another.  There is tons of advice that can be offered in times of joy or grief. Remember when you are receiving these words of wisdom that you are living your life.  You need to make choices for what you know is best for you.  Keep in mind however the amount of insight that your advice-giver has regarding life, especially if they are an elder as they have been down a few roads and offer sound guidance.

Keep close at hand the feelings of those you love and care for and keep God in your heart as you make choices for that next step in life.  Each new adventure will bring you many memories and stories to tell, enjoy every moment.

Welcome to the coming New Year!


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Projects

It all starts out with Karie using the jig saw to cut the rounds.  I bought some better blades for this project that made the cutting easier.

Add a little danish oil finish and then I tape and paper the back so that the wood does not get damaged during the tiling process.

The center piece is part of a 12x12 inch pre-made mosaic tile.  I cut off the corners and keep the round.  The small glass blocks are also a 12x12 tile flat and I cut off each row, clean the edges with a knife and trim the webbing that holds them all together so each glass block will curve around the circle inner tile.

Once all the tiles are ready I use tile adhesive to set the tiles on the wood cutout piece.

This part of the project is one of the best parts as each tile needs to be set just so for that 'as close to perfect look' I can obtain.  The trick is knowing when to stop touching it and walk away.  Karie has a hard time with this part and needs encouragement from the husband and boys to step away from the project.

Applying the grout ~ another one of my favorite parts of the project ~ it's messy ~ Karie likes to make a mess!

Sealer is applied and the tiles are now semi-gloss gorgeous shiny!

Tile trivets for everyone!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Word of the Day ~ Pip


1. The small seed of a fruit, such as an apple or an orange.
2. Something or someone wonderful.

Short for pippin, from Anglo-French pepin. Earliest documented use: c. 1450.

Know that you are always a pip to my heart!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Clock Watching

Clock watching ~ the slow crawl back to the light

Sunrise today 10:58 a.m.
Sunset 2:46 p.m.
Total possible daylight 3 hours 48 minutes


Monday, December 26, 2011


Greetings to you on this fine day after Christmas!  Did you walk the talk?  Did you give and receive only the best things this Christmas?  Did you remember that the joy of giving does not have a dollar value attached to it?  Did you give love, joy, laughter and hugs?  Did you let the ones you love know just how much you appreciate them in your life?  Did you tell them they are wonderful, talented and that you are proud of who they are? 

Christmas and every day for that matter are about giving and receiving love!  Each day is for letting those that you love know that they are appreciated by you.

As a little boy once told his father, “Let’s play darts. I will throw the darts and you will say Wonderful”!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Being Strong

Some times being strong is having strength enough to know when you need help and to stand up and ask.

I am so very proud of you Grandpa Wink!
You are my superman ~ my hero with super strength 
of courage and heart!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Clock Watching

Sunrise today 10:58 a.m.
Sunset 2:41 p.m.
Total possible daylight 3 hours 43 minutes


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Word of the Day ~ Three-Ring Circus

three-ring circus

(THREE-ring SUHR-kuhs)                 
noun: A situation marked by confusing, amusing, or tumultuous activity.

After a circus with three separate rings in which performances take place simultaneously. Earliest documented use: 1898.

Reading is sometimes an ingenious device for avoiding thought. -Arthur Helps, writer (1813-1875)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Don’t waste your time on a dead end task.
Don’t waste your breath on a dead end topic.
Don’t waste your heart on dead end love.
Don’t waste your soul living a dead end life.


Friday, December 16, 2011


The sky signals from above and calls the all clear for another great day!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Wanting something and doing something about it 
are two different things.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Word of the Day ~ Philtrum


noun: The vertical groove below the nose and above the upper lip.

The line of the upper lip is known as Cupid's bow for its resemblance to the shape of a bow. While the ancients thought the groove above the upper lip had something to do with love, modern doctors have found that a smooth philtrum is one of the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome.

From Latin philtrum (love potion, groove under the nose), from Greek philtron (love potion, groove under the nose). Earliest documented use: 1609.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

World Domination

Pinky: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky -
try to take over the world!

World domination ~ I win!
I win!
I win!

"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
"I think so Brain, but where will we find an open tattoo parlor at this time of night?" 


Monday, December 12, 2011


I only need to think of you and
love rolls back in towards my shore
as a fog so impenetrable it covers
every inch of air that surrounds me.
Breathing becomes a grueling task.
My heart becomes a weighty object.
Your voice sounds in my ears perfect
flawless as the mist collects on my skin.
Love everlasting stand on this shore for all time.

Written by Julia Mist D’June ~ November 2010

Saturday, December 10, 2011