Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sheep ~vs~ Wolves

Sheep do their work. They go about their business, never intending to hurt anyone. Sheep sometimes forget that there are wolves.

Wolves do their work. They go about their business, intending to eat the sheep.

What can the sheep do to protect themselves and survive? What can the sheep do to improve their chances for survival?

  • Play what if...?
  • Have a plan
  • Do something
There is something hard wired in the sheep ~ fight or flight ~ sometimes there are sheep who have a third hard wired response to the wolves ~ freeze.

What options do the sheep have:

  • Get out ~run in a zig zag pattern
  • If you can not get out ~ hide ~ secure your area so the wolf can not come in or make it look like there are no sheep home
  • If the situation warrants ~ adopt Flight 93 (from 9-11) mentality ~ fight back
Improve your chances for survival!


CJ said...

That is why sheep need a shepherd. We are God's sheep...

Julia Mist DJune said...

That is a good take on this post. I totally agree!

You should know that I had to attend a training on how to survive a violent intruder attack. Working at a public institution we have to be mindful of the wolves.

So in this post both the sheep and the wolves are people. The wolves would have guns and they would not be out to eat us but to kill us. In most cases as many as they can...

All the information I received that day was easier for me to digest if it was not just people but sheep and wolves...

CJ said...

I figured something provoked this post...there are a lot of wolves out there!

There are not just fire-drills at school now... there are also lock- downs! Em just had one last week.