Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Did Somebody Order a Driveway

...The driveway from the uphill part of the road and looking at turn one. The first part of the driveway is the steepest and turn one has about a three foot bank.

Standing halfway up the driveway on turn two, looking at the top and turn three that heads to the pad.

At the top of the pad where the vehicles will park. The cabins will be on the left where those trees are laying.

Getting ready to limb and buck up more trees.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Road Rash

Silly rabbit ~ tricks are for kids...
And the road is for the rubber side of the bike tires.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sheep ~vs~ Wolves

Sheep do their work. They go about their business, never intending to hurt anyone. Sheep sometimes forget that there are wolves.

Wolves do their work. They go about their business, intending to eat the sheep.

What can the sheep do to protect themselves and survive? What can the sheep do to improve their chances for survival?

  • Play what if...?
  • Have a plan
  • Do something
There is something hard wired in the sheep ~ fight or flight ~ sometimes there are sheep who have a third hard wired response to the wolves ~ freeze.

What options do the sheep have:

  • Get out ~run in a zig zag pattern
  • If you can not get out ~ hide ~ secure your area so the wolf can not come in or make it look like there are no sheep home
  • If the situation warrants ~ adopt Flight 93 (from 9-11) mentality ~ fight back
Improve your chances for survival!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Silence feeds my days in blinding light.

Silence fills my heart with endless words.

Silence guides my tongue not to utter a sound.

Does my unsaid volumes comfort you?

Does my distant touch warm your skin?

Does my silence become me?

Need I Say More


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Not Again...

Rain clouds overhead and smoke in the distance...
grr not another smokey summer.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fire at the Homestead

Forestry Service map of the area that burned. It did not burn all of this area but spot fires were contained within these boundaries.

Our property is at the top of the photo where it comes to a peak. In the middle of that peak (that looks like a beak) is the middle of our property that burned ~ right where the oldest son is building his cabin.

Northwest corner of our neighbors property as the forestry folks make another pass around the area 22 hours after they first showed on the scene.

They are parked on the road front of our property.

From the road you can barely see where the fire burned.

Forestery fella John was very nice and walked up with us to answer any questions we had.

Looking uphill

Looking East

All I can say is WOW ~ this was quite an event and there was no loss to any real property other than trees and one out building across the street. As far as our property goes the fire sure did help us out and burned up the brush piles we had around and the forestry fellas bucked up the two trees that we had not gotten to yet.


Thursday, May 13, 2010


The uncertainty of time, do we have a little or tons? Will the slow moving traffic make you late? Or will you speed on through to your destination without a care?

Perhaps time is exactly what it is suppose to be for each of us. We make our plans, we journey towards a destination and we might be interrupted along the way or we might sail smooth waters. Along the way we will have joy and a life time of sweet music.

If you are as lucky as me you will have a life spent fishing with family, proudly holding up the string of fish at the end of the day. A life where every face smiles when they see the green hint of a John Deere tractor in the field.

Every day carries with it the joy of rebirth. Enjoy the time you have been given.

Cheers for clear skies, smooth waters, and warm sun shine on your face.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010



The truth is a funny thing some may say. It always has a way of coming to light!

Live in honesty and love with a pure heart.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

One ~ vs ~ The Other Part Three

Is it just fate or do you have a choice?

What may come your way the winds will blow and your life will forever be altered. Blown around like the dust on the gravel roads we travel.

These dusty roads can unite our hearts along the way. Or they can obstruct the air we breath, leaving us feeling overwhelmed, outnumbered and friendless. Do we have the choice between the range of possibilities in the outcome as we travel these roads?

Is it fate or choice? Do you tell yourself that you had no choice that the dust was just to thick to see through? Or do you tell yourself that you will be friends through thick and thin?

Do you tell yourself that it is fate. It was just meant to be and there was nothing you could have done to prevent the clouds of obstruction and separation.

How hard and for how long would you work at a friendship?

One versus the other ~ fate or choice?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

One ~vs~ The Other Part Two

Anger can be an outward expression of an inward fear.

Anger cannot minimize ones fear, it can however make those around you fear that there is something very, very wrong.

Anger versus fear. Which one is worse?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sun Rise Update


Sunrise today 4:56 a.m.
Sunset today 10:42 p.m.

Sunny with temps in the 50's

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Snow Update...

They are like little snow cones!

There was a layer of frost on the car windshield this morning to scrape off but the snow did not stick. We also had thick fog in the valley this morning but there is promise for a sunny day to come.

Hope your day is a good one and that spring is treating you well.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Snow... grrr!

It was the earliest 'leaf out' since 1995.
Hope the snow turns to rain and soon!

Monday, May 3, 2010

All Most...

All most weasel free... enjoy your Monday morning Pops.

The prize is in sight!