Saturday, November 21, 2009

For Emily

This is my cousin Mist is
laying on her bed.
And she is reading a book
And she is nice to
play with I like her so
By Emily W.
Written summer 1987
when Emily visited North Pole Alaska
and found recently in my old high school yearbook.
Now Emily is all grown up and married with three kids.
Who by the way are the cutest!
Keep up the great job Mommy Emily!
Hope to see you all again real soon.


Emily said... crazy is that! I love finding old things like that, thank you so much for sharing!! Hard to believe I was as old as Jake will be next year.... amazing how I still remember that trip. We can't wait to make that memory for the kiddies! As they get a little older...we WILL be visiting...they miss their Uncle jake :)

Also wanted you to know I have a small package coming to you with pics and such, so don't think I forgot about you!!

Love to you Always... A much more grown up Emily Winkelman :)

Julia Mist DJune said...

Thanks for leaving me a message (comment) it is so great to feel the comment love :) When you guys make the trip here we will take care of all the plans for the sightseeing adventures! Uncle Jake and Jake will have to be watched so they do not get into to much trouble ;)

I will keep an eye out for the package ~ your awesome. Thanks a ton!