Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Family, laughter and walks in the woods.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Photos from Thanksgiving at Grandma & Grandpa's 1986
I love and miss you all very much and wish we
did not live so very far away during the holidays.
Hug Grandpa for me!

Northern Lights

These photos were part of an email sent to me (thanks Candee) so I am not sure who to name for the photo credit. They were supposedly taken at Yellow Knife, Yukon Canada. However where they were taken and who took the photos does not change the fact that I have witnessed in person such displays of wonder. The best displays of lights have a tendency to occur when the temperatures dip into the -30 degrees Fahrenheit and my camera is not fancy enough for night time photos at such cold temperatures.

Enjoy these photos in place of any I might take.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Will Power

When it comes to will power and a plate of cookies my resolve to eat healthy falls short and the feasting begins. A wise woman (my mother) once told me that eating healthy is the blind leading the blind syndrome with the occasional ADHD side tracked moments that involve cheese cake, to much prime rib (my youngest can eat the entire Miners Cut at The Turtle Club) and way too many oatmeal cookies. Which leads to a good slap in the head and that little voice saying "get a hold of yourself man!!".

Here's to all of us being able to maintain most of our healthy eating habits in the upcoming holiday baking/eating season.


Monday, November 23, 2009


You spend your whole life accumulating stuff, and then you have no where to put it.

Everywhere you can see it, every store now has it on display ~ Christmas. More importantly stuff. Stuff for your pets, stuff for your kitchen, and stuff for every Who down in Whoville. Stuff is everywhere packaged in red and marked to sell.

If you were wondering what I might want for Christmas ~ stuff is not on my list. Those that live in close proximity to us know what in our house might be in disrepair or broken and needs replacing. Something new in for something old out of the house I will tolerate. As for the rest of ~ what I want for Christmas is a letter, including photos would be like the beautiful bow on the package.

If you must spend, then spend your time working for your community, spend your energy for someone in your area who could use a helping hand and spend your life being of service to your fellow brothers and sisters.

Remember less is more. Do not spend your life gathering stuff only in the end to have a house so full that there is no where for me to sit and visit with you.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

For Emily

This is my cousin Mist is
laying on her bed.
And she is reading a book
And she is nice to
play with I like her so
By Emily W.
Written summer 1987
when Emily visited North Pole Alaska
and found recently in my old high school yearbook.
Now Emily is all grown up and married with three kids.
Who by the way are the cutest!
Keep up the great job Mommy Emily!
Hope to see you all again real soon.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Gap

Every generation has a gap. Gap of technology, gap of language, and even just the smallest things like hair or clothing. Some times the adult tries to fill in the void between parent and child. Sometimes it is the child that drives the dump truck filled with gravel and dirt to fill the distance between so that they can understand each other.

Most parents try to save their children from some of the same mistakes they made or they try so hard to shelter them from any situation where they might get their feelings hurt. Parents educate their children on a variety of topics yet every generation has to try it their way as they think this time it will work because they are doing it their way.

Technology can advance and our scientists can discover new elements or see stars in other galaxies but always remember to look back as our elders are on the same course and they have so many amazing things to teach us.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dinner in Arizona

Let's meet for dinner in Tucson, Arizona. I know this great restaurant where the food is oh so yummy, the wine is tantalizing, and the company will be delightful.

When you are in the area make reservations at Jonathan's Cork (which apparently is now The Cork Tucson).  

Hope to see you there soon.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Too Much ~ Too Little

Would you rather say too much or too little? Saying those things that are on your mind and weighing heavy on your chest can be an enlightening experience. What if what you had to say might make the other person mad at you, would you still say it? Would you reveal a truth to someone else if you thought it would drive them to the other side of the room?

Sometimes revealing a truth or feelings to another can feel like the clouds were breaking up uncovering a clear blue sky. Other times this expression of transparent color leads to a visible clouding over of the others eyes only to spoil and mar the relationship.

Sometimes revealing a feeling to another can only further cement the bond that unites you both. Becoming clay bound tightly together to form great works of art or monuments to stand the test of time.

Given the chance to tell a loved one that I will always remember them and that I will pass along the love and joy of our relationship I will take that chance, that opportunity. Having someone leave your life without being able to express to them how you feel towards them and what they mean to you in your life, just plain puts me in a tail spin of misery.

Would you say too much or too little in the end?

Monday, November 16, 2009


Introducing ~ Francesca!
Toyota Rav4 2010
Black Forest Pearl

After 20 years of driving used cars it is a real treat to have new wheels. When I graduated from high school the first used car I purchased was a 1979 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme ~ Roxanne ~ she was a great car and after 180,000 some thousand miles parts started to give way. The summer of 1997 my Dad said it was time for a new car so along came Julia ~ a 1995 Mercury Tracer. It is an understatement to say the family has outgrown the Tracer.

Francesca handles great on the snow and ice, has a good heater and even fits in our garage with all my projects. I still plan on riding the bus to and from work but when I need to go to the store or out to the folks house I will have a warm safe vehicle to drive. Or better yet be a passenger when my wheel-man is in town.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Moments of insanity, turned to dysfunction leading you down the path of unity. Families have moments of insanity. Fights and disagreements. Moments of quiet vows.

Never talk again.
Never call again.
Never to smile.
Hate everyone.

Until that moment when a quiet sideways hug unites. Never forget to forgive. Never need to be reminded to hug your mother.

Never forget to smile.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Roads to Travel

Life has plenty of choices, a plethora of roads to travel. Left or right. A path of ease or a mud bog of difficulty. We can even choose between pain or a life filled with enjoyment. There are those things that come our way that we did not choose to have in our life. Those things that someone else weaved around us, and yet we can make the choice to live in the light or the dark. At times I whiffle-waffle back and forth and in the end land in the light. A positive happy heart is lighter to carry around for all the long earthy years I plan to partake of.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

In Life

Greet every person with a smile.
Read to feed the soul.
Pay every debt.
Never harbor any malice.
Be optimistic ~ believing in love & faith.
Close the pages on all regrets.
Count one by one the blessings of each day.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Shining Bright

The light that shines is brighter than ourselves. The love in this light carries a message of joy and hope to our hearts. We are even given the opportunity to be the light and to illuminate the way for others.

To everyone who has lost their earthly guiding light know there is a bond on your heart that will never break. A bond of kindness and love that is forever ~ never ending.
