Feelings move in, set up shop and pitch tents. Sometimes they are invited over, welcomed with open arms. You place them where you want them in your heart. Forever to be comfortable.
Other times they steal in slow and tedious. Lightly stepping on the floor to keep the boards from creaking and announcing their arrival. Then before you know it they are at your supper table fitting right in like they have always been there ~ invited and welcomed.
Yet other times you wake up one morning with an intense desire. This feeling took life in your dreams. Hot beating rays of the sun inflamed and forever etched your heart. Perhaps not quite in the right place and you are not sure what to do with these feelings. Sometimes the best love fits all three categories.
Friendship and love are always welcome in my life. The more I feel the more I have to share. No matter how you got into my life, into my heart, know that you are there to stay and you are treasured.
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