Monday, September 21, 2015

Peace on Earth

Peace on Earth and good will to man, and animals, and plants, and well... peace to all living creatures. There are many aspects of life that each person gravitates to as a focus, as a cause, and if we put them all together and support one another humanity would be well on its way to the next step in a better life for the future generations.

In my adult life I have been about the less is more; in fact I have been saying it so long that I am fairly certain I coined the phrase that we are now hearing so often on the radio or television. The only hitch with the advertisements that you hear touting the less is more is that they actually want you to purchase something or spend your money on their product. But true SIMPLICITY means that you spend less money on STUFF, and that each day you consume even less than you think you needed the day before.

So how does the phrase “less is more” lead to peace on earth? Our Earth has a finite amount of resources and now that our world is a much smaller place than it was 100 years ago we might want to think about what we consume in our daily lives that adds up to our lifetime CONSUMPTION.