Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Broken Glass

Perspective ~ see the glass as already broken.

The essence of this teaching is that all of life is in a constant state of change.  Everything has a beginning and everything has an end.  Every tree begins with a seed and will eventually transform back into earth.  Every rock is formed and every rock will vanish.  In our modern world, this means that every car, every machine, every piece of clothing is created and all will wear out and crumble; it's only a matter of when.

A glass is created and will eventually break.

There is peace to be found in this teaching.  When you expect something to break, you're not surprised or disappointed when is does. Instead of becoming immobilized when something is destroyed, you feel grateful for the time you have had.

Obviously, no one wants their favorite drinking glass or anything else, to be broken.  This philosophy is not a prescription for becoming passive or apathetic, but for making peace with the way things are. When your drinking glass does break, this philosophy allows you to maintain your perspective.  Rather than thinking, "Oh my God," you'll find yourself thinking, "Ah, there it goes."

With this awareness you'll find yourself not only keeping your cool but appreciating life as never before.


Don't Sweat the Small Stuff  by Richard Carlson
Chapter (lesson) 53

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