Tuesday, May 11, 2010

One ~ vs ~ The Other Part Three

Is it just fate or do you have a choice?

What may come your way the winds will blow and your life will forever be altered. Blown around like the dust on the gravel roads we travel.

These dusty roads can unite our hearts along the way. Or they can obstruct the air we breath, leaving us feeling overwhelmed, outnumbered and friendless. Do we have the choice between the range of possibilities in the outcome as we travel these roads?

Is it fate or choice? Do you tell yourself that you had no choice that the dust was just to thick to see through? Or do you tell yourself that you will be friends through thick and thin?

Do you tell yourself that it is fate. It was just meant to be and there was nothing you could have done to prevent the clouds of obstruction and separation.

How hard and for how long would you work at a friendship?

One versus the other ~ fate or choice?


CJ said...

Depends on how dirty that dust really is...People change and so do friendships. "Thick and Thin" does make for a real friendship, however it's also a lot like a marriage and not all marriages last...Love and Respect!

Julia Mist DJune said...

Very true on the acidic dust that kills and must be avoided.

But what if it was just a small misunderstanding? Something small that jumped out in front of you to drive you off the road.

Would you get back on the road or just drive off and find another road to travel? If the friendship was new sure I could see that a person would, but what if this friendship had already been through tornado's and was in a good place until that small bump.

Mostly I was trying to use a friendship example for the fate or choice idea.

Glass half full or glass half empty look at life.

CJ said...

Well, when a deer jumps out into the road you either swerve to miss it, hit it and keep going letting it lie in the ditch, or stop and survey the damage.

I guess it's a choice. Do you want that realtionship?

Julia Mist DJune said...

Exactly! Nicely said! Thank you!