Monday, May 17, 2010

Fire at the Homestead

Forestry Service map of the area that burned. It did not burn all of this area but spot fires were contained within these boundaries.

Our property is at the top of the photo where it comes to a peak. In the middle of that peak (that looks like a beak) is the middle of our property that burned ~ right where the oldest son is building his cabin.

Northwest corner of our neighbors property as the forestry folks make another pass around the area 22 hours after they first showed on the scene.

They are parked on the road front of our property.

From the road you can barely see where the fire burned.

Forestery fella John was very nice and walked up with us to answer any questions we had.

Looking uphill

Looking East

All I can say is WOW ~ this was quite an event and there was no loss to any real property other than trees and one out building across the street. As far as our property goes the fire sure did help us out and burned up the brush piles we had around and the forestry fellas bucked up the two trees that we had not gotten to yet.



CJ said...

Glad to hear everything turned out okay! I'll never forget the forest fires we drove through in Canada... Can you believe it's been 28 years!!!

Julia Mist DJune said...

Really? 28 years ago ~ Wow. I remember the fires near Fireside and Muncho Lake. What a way cool trip that was, I think that started my love of road trips.