Thursday, September 24, 2009

Secret Code

Between two people there is a secret code that develops. Once these people are in a relationship for even a small amount of time they begin to know each other and learn their quirky ways. After a year or so each person can begin to anticipate the others actions, manners and even their emotions in given situations. After 40 years we know this person so well that we can easily become irritated with the other, unreasonable when we want our way and even expect the other person to be able to perform feats that include miraculous healing powers.

When we have something we want or have something to tell the other, we use this knowledge to 'butter' the other person up. We use flattery and complementary words in the hope that this something we want to share will be smoother somehow and more tasty. When in fact the best way to tell someone news, any news is to just spread that butter on the bread and take a big ol' bite of the tasty goodness that is the truth. However, it seems, that if you have just meet this person or if you two have been married for 40 plus years somethings are just plain hard to say.

Remember you have the secret code ~ you know this person. You have the code to be able to talk to them and they have the code to understand what you are saying and what this truth truly means in both your lives. You each have the other in mind and in the end have always wanted the same goals. The roles might be reversed as one has always been the worker and provider and the other the follower of their dreams. It is time for the worker and provider to have a dream. To have a desire for a new path and change.

Dream for the future, provide for today and always include the other person in your plans. Life is best when it is shared.

1 comment:

Ken said...

A simple truth. To revel in code developement. To know the comfort of it's use. It's...what we do.