Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Greatness surrounds us in a warm blanket. As I read more, see more and hear more words, photos and music I am in awe at our greatness. People are truly fascinating. At times I pale in comparison to my fellow traveler and I wonder why I would keep trying to produce that one thing of significance.

My mother is an artist with limitless talent, creating pieces of artwork in a variety of mediums. My father is a wood smith, welder and restorer of old rusted machinery, John Deere is his favorite color. Sometimes it is hard for me to feel that I cut the muster to be their daughter. I know that the other talents that I posses allow me to shine but still I wonder. Do we all wonder from time to time about what implications our being here holds? The people in our lives not withstanding. Has man always searched for meaning? Silly question...

May the greatness that surrounds us inspire us to seek enlightenment and edification.

1 comment:

CJ said...

I wonder all the time...