Friday, August 27, 2021

We Were Swinging

image two men looking at their watches

image of a smiling person on the golf course

image four men leaning on their golf clubs

image of four peoples feet and their golf clubs

Twenty-one years and a lifetime ago when Everts Air Cargo was still operating under the name Air Cargo Express I went golfing with four folks from our company. I later wrote up a small blurb about the day for our company newsletter, The Radial Flyer.


We Were Swinging

Our company participated once again in the annual Rotary Club benefit golf tournament. This year's tournament proceeds will support the Fairbanks Boys and Girls Club.

Our team captain and ringmaster, Harry, came prepared with his golf clubs, keys to a golf cart, and his umbrella. Howard also arrived carrying a golf club bag, the only difference between these two bags is that Harry's is a complete set, and Howard needs to continue to be an active garage-sale’er in the hopes of someday having all his clubs in one bag.

Jeremy filled in for Rob this year. He helped us acquire our new team slogan "swing and swear". Cliff was in a good form for this occasion, and played a great game of golf. Cliff can be quoted as saying "Howard do you know what is wrong with your game? You're just not consistent"! This statement holds true for the lot of us. We took turns shooting the shot that saved the day, and spending time in the woods looking for that small white elusive ball.

The rules for this tournament plainly state that each team must have a woman on board. Being the token girl, I held my own. I had a great line drive of 375 yards, and it only cost Cliff $20. When given the opportunity to purchase the yardage from the tournament organizers we jumped at the chance. It just happened to be my turn at the tee.

Our day started at the tee- box for the 11th hole at 8:00 am under cloudy skies, and hungry mosquitoes. The day progressed with a rain shower, and ended with a little sunshine on our faces. To fill in all the space in between there was a lot of laughter, and great team spirit.

At the conclusion of our 18th hole we were thrilled to discover that we had not finished last, for indeed this year we proudly finished fourth from last. Next year we will swing higher, have better aim, and be more consistent.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Who Will You Be

Image of Kennecott river and hills

In life there are people who believe in you, and there are people who don't. There are allies, enemies, and the ambivalent.

How will you show up each day to your friends? To your family? To those you encounter in your daily life?


Friday, August 20, 2021

Kennecott Mine 1986 & 2021


image Kennecott Mine 1986

Kennecott Mine 1986 ~ a scan of one of my Mom's slides from her and Dad's trip back to McCarthy and Kennecott. I have labeled this photo 'the flying building' as to me it appears the mill house building at the top is flying through the image. 

image Kennecott Mine June 2021

Kennecott Mine 2021 ~ a photo from our summer trip to McCarthy and Kennecott. The preservation work the National Parks Service is funding and overseeing is fantastic. 


Thursday, August 19, 2021

Yuuyaraq - The Way of the Human Being

image of flower in an old cemetery

Below are two powerful excerpts from Yuuyaraq - The Way of the Human Being by Harold Napoleon

Found on page 12...

"They were quiet and kept things to themselves. They rarely showed their sorrow, fears, heartbreak, anger, or grief. Unable to relive in their conscious mind the horrors they had experienced, they did not talk to anyone. The survivors seem to have agreed, without discussing it, that they would not talk about it. It was too painful and the implications were too great. Discussing it would have let loose emotions they may not have been able to control. It was better not to talk about it, to act as if it had never happened, to nallunguaq. To this day nallunguaq remains a way of dealing with problems or unpleasant occurrences in Yup'ik life. Young people are advised by elders to nallunguarluku, "to pretend it didn't happen." They had a lot to pretend not to know. After all, it was not only that their loved ones had died, they also had seen their world collapsed. Everything they had lived and believed had been found wanting. They were afraid to admit that the things they had believed in might not have been true."

Found on page 27...

"Only communication, honest communication from the heart, will break this down, because inability to share one's heart and feelings is the most deadly legacy of the Great Death. It was born out of survivors' inability to face and speak about what they had seen and lived through. The memory was too painful, the reality too hard, the result too hard to hear."

Powerful piece of literature.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Double Date

Image of 3D glasses

When you come across an item that magically transports you back to the movie theater when you and your husband were on a double date with your Mom and Dad. It was early spring 2010 when we attended a 3D showing of Alice in Wonderland, and afterwards went to Geraldo's for a fun supper together.

Time traveling is good for the soul.


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

68 Miles

Image of flowers gone to seed on a cloudy day

“68 miles,” I replied.

Only to be met with silence.

“68 miles,” I replied. This time with a glance towards the rear-view mirror. My hands wringing the steering wheel. My foot falling heavy on the gas pedal.

She whispered from the back seat, “I don’t think I can travel any farther”.

Her slumped form had taken up residence in the back, refusing to drive. Acting repulsed at being asked to operate the gas pump at the station. Only speaking when it suited her.

“68 miles are all that remains, and now you can go no farther?" I muttered out loud, more for myself than for her ears.

She had quit listening. Again.

Darkness began to take over this particular stretch of road, my eye lids grew heavy with fatigue, and the Oldsmobile headlights rebelled at being switch on. I too began to wonder if I could travel any farther.


Thursday, August 5, 2021

On Being an Open Person

 image of a wild rose bloom

Honesty is a better choice over ambiguity. Always tell the truth. Always answer another's question with honesty, no matter how difficulty it might feel at the time. No cryptic answers. No avoidance. Just honest, kind truth.
