Saturday, December 26, 2020

Peace & Joy

Earlier this week a Chinook wind blew into Anchor-town, and along with it rain, both of which have started to melt the fresh fluffy snow that fell only days ago. Melting snow on Christmas somehow seems cruel, especially when you live in this part of Alaska.

However I know Christmas is not carried on the white snow. It does not magically appear just because the calendar reads December 25. I believe Christmas is something you create in your heart, and a little bit of holiday music helps too.

Joy is found on track 5 as the sweet familiar melody fills the house. It is a quiet house otherwise, just me. Me and the freshly baked sugar cookies. I hope I don't spoil my appetite, as Christmas prime rib supper with our dear friends is going to be amazing. 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Winter Solstice

The day passed fairly quickly if you mark the daylight hours as a day. Sunrise to sunset occurred today without much fanfare, the cloudy skies hid the sun from our view, and no stars shine tonight upon Anchor-town. Jupiter and Saturn put on their show for others but not us. 

Winter solstice marks the line in the snow where the last of the dark days lay only yards ahead, and our push towards spring is a doable reality. Soon I will take a deep breath. Soon I will feel relief.

The clock chimes the hour and the quarter hour, I am keeping track biding my time. 


Merry Christmas


Greetings to our dear friends and family

Lord love a duck, it has been an extraordinary year. Bizarre, novel, and uniquely barbed. One filled with new balancing acts, transitions of Herculean effort, and gifts that came in irregular shaped boxes. There was a quietness that came into our world as we hunkered down, and learned to properly wash our hands as well as our groceries. The tick of the clock and the day of the week became irrelevant. We lost all interest in knowing where we were in the time space continuum. We became one with our homes, one with ourselves, and one with some strong truths. Truths that signaled change, what we once thought was inconceivable became our new daily normal.

This year for us marked a whopper of a landing at a dream job. We made it on board the aircraft just as they made the final boarding announcements and closed the cabin doors. It has been a slow ascent towards consolidation, and the time invested has earned Josh a solid seat in the Airbus 320. And as we continue our flight plan slow and steady up to 35,000 feet we count our blessings and good fortune to have made our connecting flight.

The year 2020 holds a different story for each of us, our wish for you is that your story carries more blessings than you ever thought possible. And that you find the gifts you received amid this chaotic year, worthy of making the list.

While we all zoom ourselves into the future may our hearts be filled with joy and all our deeds be for a good cause.

  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year



Sunday, December 20, 2020

Snowy Day

It's a blustery morning. Snow flurries flitter between the branches of the spruce trees, and gray skies obscure the view out my window. Gusts of wind send sheets of snow off the roof. I imagine the snow is a troupe of dancing fairies setting off on an adventure. Farewell fairies, safe travels and all that.

I just got off the phone with my mother. She seems well however Texas this time of year, and under the current circumstances, is a bit lonely. There is no one nearby that she is related to, no friends close by to speak of, and her life in the small aging RV seems to be wearing her thin. She travels around a fifty mile radius, staying a few nights at a time in each of the state campgrounds that surround the local lakes. The park rangers know her by name, and are grateful that she fills her days walking the parks picking up trash, and cutting back the kudzu. She's bored. She's lost. She sounds unsure of what to do next, where to go, where to call home.

I worry about her well being. What daughter wouldn't? The crux of the situation is she doesn't want any help from me, from any of us. Is it an overactive sense of pride or stubbornness?

Recently I came across her paternal families coat of arms, a beautiful crest of gray and red, and perched on top, a goat. A horned and undoubtedly stubborn goat.

My brain is filled with the words exchanged during our conversation, and my heart is heavy with worry. Perhaps a walk in the crisp snowy air will settle my thoughts.


Thursday, December 10, 2020

Textures ~ Project 3 for the New Semester


A Walk in the Park by MDJG

It is finals week here at the University of Alaska Anchorage and I have just finished my last project for this semesters watercolor class. I titled this piece - A Walk in the Park. It is transparent watercolor 23 x 15 on Arches Cold Press 300 lb paper.

Did you find the egg? Heeheehee!  Happy day to everyone. All my best to you and yours and continued good health!

Updated 4/5/21

Artist statement:

A Walk in the Park

Walking through a park on a beautiful summer day we encounter many sights of wonder; tall trees, statues, birds or artwork that add to our enjoyment. When you view this watercolor piece do you see an owl about ready to take flight or a statue set in iron? As you walk in the park today I hope your eyes behold wonderment and delight.


Monday, December 7, 2020

Winter's Light

Winter settles into your bones gripping your very essence with its icy claws. Ol' Man Winter knows just which strings to pull to bring you to your knees. 

The dark envelops every molecule of your soul. You read. You clean. You pace the floors. You attempt to write and concentrate, to enjoy your morning coffee, yet the only thing that saves you is the light that shines in the window during that brief moment of opportunity each day. 

Life giving light. 




Thursday, December 3, 2020

Acts of Calmness


Act only on the awareness of the situation. Do not jump to judgement or add to the narrative. Take in the facts. Take a deep breath, and calm your wandering mind.
