Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Ghoulish Forest

Perhaps today is not a good day for a walk in the woods. Perhaps you should come back tomorrow.

Have a ghoulish kind of day, do not eat too much candy in one setting, and do not try to hide the candy in the dishwasher, as only bad things will come from this ploy to fool your kids into thinking that the candy is all gone.


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Your Future

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”

~ Peter F. Drucker ~


Monday, October 29, 2018

Lions Tigers Bears & Puppy Dogs

There was a time in our lives when lions, tiger, bears, and puppy dogs ruled the day. Playtime seemed endless. The adventures created with these little stuffed animals weave a story of pure joy through our boy’s childhood.

We hold these memories close as they fill our hearts with gladness. We relish the new adventures that stretch before us ready to unfold.

We are making room in our lives. Room for newfound joy, new adventures.


Friday, October 26, 2018

High Five Friday for Soup Cooking Husbands

High five Friday for soup cooking husbands and the joy of coming home from work to a homemade bowl of spicy squash soup for supper.

Because life without soup would be unbearable.  And because this soup was too good not to share with you.

So what's for supper tonight?


Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Right Question

“The most common source of mistakes in management decisions is the emphasis on finding the right answer rather that the right question”

... then consider this...

“The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The true dangerous thing is asking the wrong question.”

~ Peter F. Drucker ~

I wonder which question I need to stop asking myself so that I might find a better, right question?


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

10 Years... and I ask You...

10 years later and I ask you... what in the heck were we doing at the beach as a storm was rolling in? Apparently doing what we do best... having a good time.

Happy blog-iversary Mistletoe and Juniper. 

Shine your light. Share your love. Live on!


Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Fall is quickly turning our world a bit browner and the white has started its slow crawl down the mountains in our direction. I do enjoy the change of seasons and fall time adds a bit of cozy reflection that seems to calm my spirit, preparing me for the coming longer, darker days ahead.

May fall treat you well. May you always be able to find the calm your spirit relishes. 


Monday, October 22, 2018

Friday, October 19, 2018

High Five Friday for Time Together

High five Friday for time spent together in the crisp fall air.
Anchor-town does have a nice backyard worth enjoying even on a rainy day.

Have a great weekend! 


Thursday, October 18, 2018

To the Clouds

And now to the clouds you go. 
Technology is a gift from the Roman god Iānus. 
One in which every less is more enthusiast can appreciate.

It truly has been an amazing process to witness.


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Lean Six Sigma - Food for Thought

Lean Six Sigma is a methodology that relies on a collaborative team effort to improve performance by systematically removing waste and reducing variation.

How can we use this methodology to enhance our personal tasks and make our daily to-do-list function more efficiently?


Monday, October 15, 2018

On the Job in Denali Park

"If you love your job do you truly ever work? With a gorgeous view like this every day how can it be a bad day?" said our son Bear.

Thank you Bear for these wise words.  Enjoy your time building lodging for those among us that have been saving their dollars their entire life to visit Denali National Park.  Thanks for sharing your view with us. Rock on!


Saturday, October 13, 2018

Day 1

Day 1 brings the sound of soothing rain. We are at peace and contentment fills the house.  October 13th is a good day.


Friday, October 12, 2018

Day 69

Day 69 was unremitting. From the moment I woke, the clock seemed to make minuscule movements. I slogged, best I could, through the day. Here my count up ends. Here I start a new tally. 13 days of togetherness and each morning, the best cup of coffee Alaska has to offer.

Have a wonderful weekend my friends. Hug those you love in a tight embrace.


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Gift of Knowledge

The ability to gain knowledge is a gift; the willingness to share this gift is sometimes rare. Knowledge is power and there are those among us who covet this power in the hopes that they will become irreplaceable. These people secrete knowledge away to a dark corner, in the hopes that they will become all powerful.

What they forget is that knowledge, like water, will always seek a way out of the dark corner; it will always seek the light of day to flow freely.

Let your knowledge be a gift that shines bright like a river of sunshine, and know that the best way to make yourself irreplaceable is to be kind. Share your knowledge, share your love, and let kindness be your most memorable trait.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Alaska Fire Dance

Alaska Fire Dance by Raincloud Productions!

Featuring some local creative talent.  
Most excellent performance and cinematography!


Monday, October 8, 2018

Nation You Call Home

The young lady on the left is my Great Grandmother

What do you respect most about the nation you call home?


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Sky Viking

Even if you are not always able to sport your legendary chops, you will forever be my favorite Sky Viking.


Friday, October 5, 2018

The Color of Rain

The color of rain in the fall time can be a beautiful shade of red, if you are standing next to a certain bit of shrubbery. Have a lovely day my friends.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

My Faith

My faith is not fiery. My faith does not boast. My faith is quiet and unassuming yet looms large, not for the world to see but for my quiet still heart to find peace.


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Day 59

In the past 59 days, I have learned that driving solo from Anchor-town to Fairbanks and back again is for the birds. This was my third time driving solo to Fairbanks in the past 4.9 years but the first time I had to make the return trip alone. It is a grueling drive when you only have your own thoughts for company. 

I have also come to realize that being by myself makes me grumpy. Ill-tempered. Especially when I have to be at the salt mines working the j-o-b. I just hope the people I work around have generous hearts of forgiveness. This too shall pass. 

I'm told it will not be long now and the husband will return from his training. I however am still on the count up; I do not want to get disappointed if the countdown day changes. Which in the realm of aviation is quite possible.


Monday, October 1, 2018

Eye of the Lens

When we look at time through the eye of a lens, it can appear hazy, distorted, and disorienting. We can see the past but cannot go backwards. We can see exactly where we are standing but the future is always unclear.

You cannot go backwards and you cannot go forward. You can only breathe from the spot where you are standing. Right now. Right here. This is what matters.
