Friday, August 31, 2018

Bursting Bubbles

For a bossy only child I was shy, I was cautious. Not in the timid, oh please do not talk to me type of shy, but in the exploration outside my bubble shy. As a child, I only remember a handful of times when I ventured to a new place, away from home by myself. These memories of heading out, by myself, were seldom to new faraway places. It seems I always wanted to keep home base in sight. Stray too far away and home might move and not be there when I returned.

A mother with a restless wandering spirit raised me, and our family moved every few years, sometimes across state lines, sometimes across the river. It was not until I was well into my late twenties, with a house of my own, that I had finally felt at home. The five-year anniversary of living in that home was the longest I had ever lived in one place.

This story is not uncommon by any means in fact millions of young people live with their small bundle of belongings in bags and shift from one restless place to another. Yet how my story played out for me, I have come to realize, has affected my ability to seek out new places, new people, or to seek change.

My mother's spirit did not match mine. Looking back my maternal grandmother is more my kindred spirit. By the time I knew her, she enjoyed being home quietly watching the birds out the window flitting from one branch to another, tending to her belongings or corresponding with friends and family via handwritten letter. I too find joy in these simple activities. Quietly at home, enjoying tasks that add to the calm of a settled life.

While my mother was restlessly changing her mind on where we should live, fluttering from one passion to the next, I was in my room, my bubble, organizing or cleaning. Never wandering too far from home or off the beaten path on my afternoon outside explorations.

Leaving my bubble by myself was a scary prospect, and as an only child whose parents were most times engaged in their own activities, my father at work and my mother absorbed in her art, I was most days by myself.

Even now after 30 years of adulthood, venturing out to a new place on my own takes courage. There are people that do not even bat an eye at putting on their shoes and stepping out onto the road. However, I must first summon the courage to venture forth unto new spaces.

There are glorious adventures big and small outside the bubble I have always seemed to build around me. I have to remind myself that bursting this bubble is okay. I am in charge of where my home is and I will not move it without telling myself or at least having a lengthy discussion about making a change. My home will be here when I get back from venturing outside. By myself. I have to trust myself that I will always remember my way home.


Tuesday, August 28, 2018


断捨離 Danshari - "de-clutter"

The three kanji in this compound mean “refuse-throw away-separate.” Self-help author Hideko Yamashita, drawing on yoga philosophy, promotes a three-step system for de-cluttering one's life (both physical and mental) in Japan:

1) refuse to bring unnecessary new possessions into your life; 
2) throw away existing clutter in your living space; and 
3) separate from a desire for material possessions.

断 dan – to refuse

 sha – to throw away

 ri – to separate

Monday, August 27, 2018


I have read it said, “We [humans] are desperate to convey our own worth, our own value to others. We use objects to tell people just how valuable we are.” Goodbye, Things: On Minimalist Living by Fumio Sasaki.

Is that true for you?

Is that true for me?


Friday, August 24, 2018

Birthday Bear

Happy birthday Bear!  It was a pleasure and a gift to be able to dance with you on your wedding day! May the next orbit ahead be filled with great joy and love.

We love you tons,
Your Momma & Dad


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Happiness Is...

“Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.”
Rabbi Hyman Schachtel


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Eagle Huntress

Photo from the interwebs

A movie definitely worth watching.

The Eagle Huntress - everything the movie critics say it to be, and more.

Monday, August 20, 2018


How can I possibly feel like there's not enough and there's too much at the same time?


Friday, August 17, 2018

High Five Friday for Summers Well Spent

High five Friday for summers well spent adventuring with the one you love.


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Ode to the Robin

Chirr chirrup chirrup chirrie cherrup. The Robins calls to the evening breeze. Cherrup calls I to the Robin as the morning will being a fresh feast for the taking. Rest well sweet Robin for the morning will guide you south.
Written by Julia Mist D'June ~ August 2018

Monday, August 13, 2018


Reed Lakes trail Hatcher Pass

"Living with less is ultimately about resisting the urge to consume, making do, mending what’s broken, going without and ultimately finding joy in the fact that you need less".

Well said Practicing Simplicity - I do not think it could be said any better. 


Friday, August 10, 2018


In life, you will get numerous chances to reflect on your values and try out different ways to summon the moral courage to do the right thing.

Empowerment is a powerful stone-feeling-weapon-tool-amulet-bridge-gizmo-sensation-quality to own.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Summer is quickly turning into fall. Classes are two weeks away from starting, and I am not feeling ready.  Not ready for fall. Not ready for the busy.  Not ready.

I am trying very hard not to hold my breath.


Friday, August 3, 2018

All Things

Dwarf Fireweed Hatcher Pass

Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.
Saad poet


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

An Ordinary Day

I currently live in the ordinary. Ordinary house. Ordinary job. Ordinary surroundings. Life in life out.

My goal is to find the direction from which the sun shines into my ordinary life and make the most of it.
