Christmas time brings out the nostalgia in most of us as we reflect on the year and wonder what memories are worth sharing in the annual letter to friends and family. In our changed times we make ourselves overly busy, we obsessively communicate via the www, the interwebs, the social, and writing a letter seems as arduous as chiseling away at a slab of marble to find inside the Venus de Milo. However, as each Christmas season draws near we want to reach out to you and share a little bit of the holiday cheer and a lot of love with those we love.
For us 2017 brought many gifts to our doorstep and a few gifts that we had to venture forth to find. The gift of travel is one that we cherish. First on the list is traveling back home to Fairbanks to spend time with our people, all of whom we are proud of beyond measure. Next on the list is being able to travel abroad, exploring new landscapes and re-learning that no matter what latitude we live at, humans share a common thread. We share the same joys of life and shed the same salty tears.
Another gift is that of time. Time is precious. Time is measured, and each amount is a treasure. During the long winter nights when the droning tick of the clock seems endless, we find joy in the glow of the firelight and a warm cup of something tasty. Each tick, each moment, a blessing surely can be found. Seek and you shall find. Ask and you shall receive. Knock and it will be answered.
If what you seek you will find, we will seek joy. If you ask so shall you receive, we will ask for peace. And if we could, we would knock at your door for an overdue visit.
May the light of the brightest star guide you to your destination.
All our love to you and yours this holiday season and into the coming year.
Josh & Julia