Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Fading Light of November

The sun dips lower and lower on the horizon and some days even 61.2 degrees north seems just a bit too far north for this solar powered woman. Between here and more sunshine, is a latitude that would put me too far away from the people I love most and no amount of sunshine is worth that amount of missing out.

So I look for the gifts that can be found at 61.2 degrees north. I look and I find joy in the fading light of November shining in my window.

May the coming winter days bring you joy and warmth to fill your heart with peace.


Monday, November 27, 2017

Earthquake ~ 5.3


Seek and You will Find

"Stop walking through the world looking for confirmation that you do not belong, because you will always find it." - Brené Brown


Thursday, November 23, 2017


Today and everyday I am thankful for you, each of you, yes I am speaking about YOU!  You make me smile, you bring my heart joy, and my life is truly blessed to be part of your life.

I love you tons and tons until the end of time.  Have a happy Thanksgiving and know that I give thanks for you every day of my life.


Monday, November 20, 2017


Nurture something you have always wanted to do. Take the time to seek that something that you have always thought about doing and have yet to accomplish. Nurture your gifts and let them shine.


Friday, November 17, 2017

Do Not Answer

When the potato chip calls. Do. Not. Answer.

In the middle of November, he is not your friend. He does not want to stop by just to see how you are doing. It. Is. A. Trap.

When the potato chip calls, it is for nefarious reasons. Only meant to tip you off the scales of your well-laid plan. Mind your own bees wax and do not answer that call, and rest easier knowing you can make it through the winter with a zero sum game gain. 

Do. Not. Answer.


Thursday, November 16, 2017


"We already have peace. We need only meditate to find it". Lucrecer Braxton

Friday, November 10, 2017


For many years now being able to multitask has been a requirement if you were to be hired for that new job. Being able to complete multiple tasks at once is a necessary skillset for a successful career. We have all trained ourselves to have the ability to quickly shift our attention between moving tasks, and have fooled ourselves into thinking that we like this type of behavior. Do not get me wrong multitasking has its place. Parenthood would not be survivable, for them, or us if we only had the ability to complete one task at a time. But not only have we foolishly trained ourselves that we like this type of behavior in the workforce, and used multitasking to ensure the survival of the human race, we practice this style of approach for most of our daily life tasks.

We start making supper then we start the dishes all the while helping someone with their homework or a project they are working on. We walk and text. We juggle listening to our partner talk about their day as we are typing a text message to our friend about tomorrows lunch date. From the moment we wake up in the morning to the last goodnight at the end of the day, we have filled every moment with multitasking.

And I do not know about you but frankly I am exhausted.

The good news is the gig is up for this type of hustle bustle. We are beginning to discover that this constant behavior is not that efficient, and can even be harmful to our long-term health. There are instances when we have to do more than one thing at a time to make it to the end of the day, I get that, I live that but we should also be spending time singal tasking.

I have been following and learning from Elaine Tobin as she shares her busy country life with us, and she has recently written two articles about slow living for Life Plus Magazine. Her latest article The Art of Single Tasking is the spark behind today's post. One of Elaine’s suggestions was to start with washing the dishes and here was where I started practicing the art of single tasking.

For most people, myself included, washing the dishes is the drudgery of the day. We rush through them so that we can move on to that next task. While our hands are soapy and the dishes fling past from their state of dirty to a state of being ready to use again, our brains are thinking of five things we should be doing instead, and what we will be doing next. We are always thinking about what is next. The moment I put ‘next’ aside and focused on this one thing, this one task, I could feel a bit of relief start to grow.

I washed each piece of dirty glassware and silverware, each plate with intention and purpose. Washing the dishes became the only thing I allowed my mind to think about, if a notion of the next task came into my thoughts, I quickly pushed it out and went back to washing the dishes.

In the end, this task did not take me any longer than normal to complete. I however seemed to have a greater sense of accomplishment. There was a calmness within myself as I hung the dishtowel up to dry.

My friends, if you are someone who works outside of the home to earn dollars, keep maintaining those strong multitasking skills, the cogs of the wheels turning are depending on you. If you are a parent who is still actively raising your children keep multitasking, our survival is counting on you and them. As for the rest of the time in your daily lives, slow it down, breathe, and enjoy each task one at a time for the gifts that they bring. At the end of the day, you will rest easier with a higher sense of contentment and fulfillment.

Single task yourself to a happier healthier you. And remember to share the love with those you love!


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Saying Goodbye to Lysol Wipes

Do you remember this post? I thought you might like to know that I am saying goodbye to the Lysol Disinfecting Wipes. As you recall I used them to clean the yucky parts of the bathroom and afterwards could throw them away fairly guilt free. They have an odor that I can tolerate, and they had a thickness to them that would stand up to hard work. Did you notice the word ‘had’? Past tense in the thickness and structure of this product is why I am saying goodbye.

Old product version...

New product version...

New Lysol Disinfecting Wipes on the left, older version of the product on the right.

Lysol has changed their product to a thinner wipe that barely has the stamina to complete even the simplest tasks. It does not hold moisture and the fibers quickly break down and are left behind on the surface being wiped.

If every company keeps taking olives out of the jar, that jar of olives will no longer be worth purchasing. And I am very sorry to report that this product is no longer worth purchasing.

DIY Thieves wipes directions are welcomed.


P.S. Just to let you know how serious this is for me I left a message with Lysol customer service as I thought they should hear it directly from me, and this is their reply.  Perhaps a canned reply but it is worded well...

Dear Ms. D'June:

We were sorry to learn of your disappointment with Lysol® Disinfecting Wipes.

As a valued consumer, your comments are extremely important to us. Our products are under constant review with the intention of making improvements whenever possible. The opinions of consumers like yourself play an important role in that process and we appreciate your taking the time to offer your input.

We thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

Phil White
Consumer Relations

Monday, November 6, 2017

Snowy Walk in the Woods ~ Before the Rains Came

The company of the trees and my best fella make for a peaceful afternoon. Get out for a walk among the trees and find a peace that suits you best.


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Change is on the Wind

October 20, 2017 Fairbanks Alaska looking south from the UAF campus Geophysical Building.

October 30, 2017 Fairbanks Alaska looking south from the UAF campus Geophysical Building.

The rule used to be that if it snowed in Fairbanks Alaska before October 15th there was a good chance it would melt away to come back another day. And all snow that fell after October 15th was winter through and through until the return of the sun and warmth in March, when our world would begin to thaw. Of course there are exceptions like the winter that started on September 2, 1992 and stayed through the end of March 1993. Woof that was a long winter.

Well my friends, there is change on the wind.  Pack your umbrella and your snow boots if you head north, and drive with caution.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Snack Time

Ms. Moose is enjoying a late fall snack on some greens.  We had snow, then we had rain, and now the green grass is again available for easy snacking.  It is anyone's guess for what the weather in Anchor-town will bring next.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Hello November

Hello November!

You used to greet me each morning wearing your glimmering white coat that glowed brightly under the lights on our quiet street.  As I made my way to the bus stop, to await the arrival of my ride to work, I would take note of the newly added thickness of your coat, and wonder just how heavy it would become in the coming weeks.

Now you greet me with your chilly breath and a coat without substance.  The weight of which rolls off the windshield of my car with one swipe of the blades.

The sound of your falling rain is deafening to my ears. You are not the same November I have grown to know, grown to love and appreciate for the gifts you used to bring.

Perhaps you are saving your white coat for a rainy day but haven't you heard the news November, some things are not worth saving.  Some things are worth sharing and wearing because someday might never come.

So I say to you November, put on that white coat. Let us see you in all your glimmering glory.  I am ready.