Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Drive up to Bears Cabin

Bear had the driveway reworked so that curve one and curve three are more sensible.  The guy he hired, Jared, did a great job.

Plus he had a turnaround pad/parking area cut in at the top of the driveway. 

See you later!

The cabin project is almost completed with just a few things left to finish up.  All the progress Bear has made in the past two summers is sure looking good.  Keep up the good work!  See you again soon.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Sentry Hardware Rocks

Best place to find the coolest and project necessary hardware in the entire state of Alaska.  No joke!

Sentry Hardware rocks the cool bins filled with shiny objects!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Where in the World

Where in the world do you want to travel to next?  Perhaps Christchurch?  Wherever you choose may the road be clear, the traveling easy, and the airline seats comfortable.

Have a great trip and send your Momma a postcard.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Blue Roof Bistro Fairbanks

I know what you are thinking... man can you post one more photo of food?  Yes! Yes I could because it is just THAT good!

We  spent a wonderful supper out with the Mertes at the Blue Roof Bistro in Fairbanks.  The company was FABULOUS! And the food was delicious and soul warming!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to each of you.  
My prayer for you today and everyday is that you are surrounded by those you love.

Share the love! 
Always & often!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Look Familiar? Quito Ecuador

Photo by our oldest son

Photo of Quito Ecuador from his hotel accommodations during his recent adventure. 

The Basílica steeples can be seen at the right of the photo. How great is it that he too was able to travel to the mitad del mundo – the middle of the world. Proof that you never really know what life has in store for you. We are very proud parents, go you!

Enjoy each and every day my friends!


Monday, November 21, 2016

Another Big Adventure for the Oldest Son

Leave that peanut butter at home folks and bag check your ulu!

Alaska kid off to Ecuador for work.  Lucky fella!

Your Momma was glad she was in town to see you off at the airport. Thanks for hanging out with us before you left!  

Write when you find work - send money!  

Friday, November 18, 2016

Lulu's Breakfast & Good Company

It  is always better to share your bagel breakfast sandwich. One half is jalapeno cheddar and  the other half is Asiago cheese.  Yummy!

My  fellas all smiles for me as they stand in front of Drew's new rental cabin, this one has hot water plumbed to the kitchen sink and a washer dryer set up.  A step up from a completely dry cabin.  Worth every penny!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Snowy Fairbanks

Peaceful snowy day in Fairbanks. I enjoy each visit home even if I need gloves, and boots, and multiple cups of hot cocoa to stay warm.  It is always worth my while to be here!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Drive Home

It  just would not be a drive to Fairbanks if we didn’t take our photo while driving through Broad Pass.


Glitter Gulch ghost town.

Frosty trees on the straight stretch of road between Anderson and Nenana. The last bit of the drive this time of year is a bit dark but snow can help to lighten the path, however this time the snow cover was very sparse. But those frosty trees were a neat sight.