Thursday, April 30, 2015

Self Sufficient

One of the signs that you have done a good job as a parent is when your grown young adult sons display acts of being self sufficient.

You guys are rock solid.  Keep up the good work!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Merry Heart

Some places in this world are negative. They ooze negativity from the very core of the city. Perhaps it is the areas destructive history or perhaps it is the current occupants of the area that have brought their combative behavior with them from whence they came. It seems to me that when higher populations of people congregate in one area, the more these populations become fragmented and disintegrated, we, as people, no longer have the skills or the will to be a cohesive group. I believe that this adds to the competitive dog eat dog situations that I have experienced in the recent months. Anchorage is one of these negative places, in my opinion. It is a large city that is hemmed in between the water and the mountains with no more room for growth, people unconsciously fight each other for elbow room, and a space to call their own. They are unwelcoming to new comers as they are viewed as just one more person to thwart off from encroaching into a gap that has already been claimed.

I have been told by other new comers before me that it can take two to three years to claim your place in Anchorage. Well, I am one year in and perhaps I am starting to feel some ownership. Perhaps this is an environment that I can learn to like, and grow to love.

Thinking about places on this earth that I love, there is just something special about the place from whence I recently came, Fairbanks is unique in ways that had gone unnoticed by me until I moved. Perhaps it is just the nostalgia talking or perhaps there is something about Fairbanks that is calming to the spirit, my spirit. There are plenty of people that have lived there and left vowing never to return, it is the love it or hate it reaction that Fairbanks seems to instill in most people, whether they have come to live there by choice or were relocated there for their jobs. The isolation caused by the bitter cold and long dark winters, which is life in Fairbanks from October to March, is what drives most people away. The community atmosphere with its unpretentious lifestyle and the fast friendships that form, the breathing room, and the space to explore are just a few of the reasons that keep Fairbanks on the list of places people love to be, when they “love it”.

Ultimately what Fairbanks means to me is that this is the place where I completed my best works and obtained my most important job title, Momma! This is where we raised our boys, where we spent all our time and energy making sure they were both the best versions of themselves they could become.

I do not think I will ever be able to truly change the negativity that surrounds Anchorage; this is a bigger issue than I am willing to invest my precious energy on trying to accomplishing. I am, however, willing to invest time and energy into our life and what Anchorage can do for us.

I will stay this course. I can see the ends to the means that will bring us joy in the future. And, then when the time comes, we will change our course. It is still a long road ahead so planning for our future is of the upmost importance. It is also a short road to be enjoyed with a merry heart.

I am aiming for a merry heart!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Orchid Days ~ Then There Were Five

These beauties are a good reason to go to work on a Monday morning!

May they also brighten your day!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Bathroom Remodel ~ Tiling Complete

Bathroom tiling project update... all tiles are set, grouted, and sealed! We are working on the flooring so that we can install the sink and toilet. This was a big job and we will take a bit of a break before we start on the master bathroom.

Happy Wednesday friends!

P.S. my apologies for the poor photo quality, all this beautiful tile confused my phone's camera.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April Showers

I have always enjoyed our spring white April showers. They are like a time machine ride back to the start of winter when we have just finished a fabulous summer. Oh the good times remembered and then guess what... the spring snow is gone and bam... it's summer again. Enjoy!

Monday, April 20, 2015

In This Mixed World...

“In this mixed world, if you can find one or two sensible places in a man, above all, if you should find a whole family living together on such pleasant terms, you may surely be satisfied, and take the rest for granted; or, what is a great deal better, boldly make up your mind that you can do perfectly well without the rest; and that ten thousand bad traits cannot make a single good one any the less good.”

Robert Louis Stevenson – An Inland Voyage – 1878

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Campfires ~ The Good Life

What is a good campfire without a little HooDoo? Not much if you ask me!

Sticky gooey yummy delight by the firelight.  
Share the love! Share the hugs! 
And enjoy each moment that comes your way. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Nuances to Life

There are so many nuances to life in Fairbanks that I miss immensely. I spent 30 years living, eating, laughing, crying, and some days just breathing in and out there, and the knowledge that I do not live there anymore is a strange feeling. Sometimes it is hard for me to comprehend the changes that came from moving to a new town, and it blows me off course. This is something that I never truly expected to experience.

 I guess at heart I am just a ‘stayer’ and not a ‘leaver’.

Friday, April 10, 2015

High Five Friday for Road Trips to Fairbanks

Last Friday found us in the car driving North to that place we love best, mostly because that is where our people are located.  It was a great day for a road trip with some sightseeing along the way.

Hello Denali!  You truly are the Great One!

High five Friday for road trips and hugging those you love!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Bathroom Remodel Updates

The grouting has begun!  

I set the last of the tiles this past weekend and starting grouting the first tiles that we put into place. This is a big job for "do it yourself'ers" like us and will take three phases to finish.  

In other news the pantry is in place and the shelves are filling up.
The bathroom door (off to the left) slides behind the pantry for a pocket door effect.

Each day is one more day toward project completion!  
Hooray for improving!

Monday, April 6, 2015


On one of our walks at lunch this moose was easy to spot, even though he is camouflaged the same nice brown as his surroundings, he was out in the open.

But this moose was not so easy to see and we could have startled him and gotten ourselves into a tight spot.  Can you see him?  Good thing I have a faithful and moose aware walking partner.  

Get out and take a walk but keep your eye out for those camouflaged moose!

Friday, April 3, 2015

High Five Friday for Orchids

High five Friday for orchids in bloom.  Does it get any better?  

Happy day to you all and remember to share the love!

Thursday, April 2, 2015