Friday, May 30, 2014

High Five Friday for Geese

High Five Friday for Geese out my office window. May we always be reminded of the wonders and wilds just out our windows.

Happy Friday !

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Smoky Town

There is a wildfire on the Kenai Peninsula that started out at Funny Creek so it is named the Funny Creek fire. But this fire is no laughing matter, none of them are, truly.

The southerly winds have brought the smoke from this fire to the big town and it has filled the air with the stench of a campfire.  Which is an okay smell when you are camping but not when you are on your way to work.

I thought I left the wildfires behind in Fairbanks,  guess not.

Hope the air you are breathing is clear and crisp.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Cabin Project ~ Railing Started

Now it is safe to be in the loft with no more worries about stepping off the edge. Next step is to install the cables horizontally between the rails.

Go team us! Well mostly our team Captain on this one.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Simon & Seafort's

How does supper at Simon & Seafort's sound?
Click HERE for their website.

I just love planning Alaska vacations!
38 days and counting... but who's counting... that's right... ME!

And then... 51 days to go for our other AWESOME visitor!
It is going to be a GREAT summer!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Knik Glacier Area & Lake George

 Lake George

 Navigator ~ who spent more time taking photos and less time looking at the map.
 Flying over Palmer ~ Matanuska Valley ~ heart of farm country in Alaska.

Another wonderful adventure and day spent together!

What have you been up to lately? Any great trips planned?

Friday, May 16, 2014

Seward Boat Ride

The drive around Turnagain Arm
The wildlife in the gift shop!
Seward small boat harbor
We found Popeye's boat!

Our journey took us out around Resurrection Bay.
Dall's Porpoise

Stellar Sea Lions

Mt. Goat
Black-Legged Kittiwake's
If you draw a line straight out the middle of this photo and sail until you reach land again you will be at Antarctica!  

Common Murre by the dozens. They can dive up to 640 feet deep and are the deepest diving sea bird that can still fly.

Humpback Whale

We will so be doing that again!

Thank you Kenai Fjords Tours and Captain Chris for sharing your enthusiasm with us about all the wildlife life we encountered but never harassed. 

High Five Friday for boat rides out and around the wilds of Alaska!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Teenagers in the House?

... as in you want to yell at them for something dumb they just said or did but you know you must pick your battles so instead your husband quietly hands you this note.

The ultrasonic scream works like a charm.
Give it a try sometime and laugh your frustrations away.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

My most treasured Mother's Day gift from my oldest son! Fun fact ~ the time to go whistle still works!

Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Turnagain Arm

Photos from our recent drive down Turnagain Arm. The tide was on its way out and the water in this area rushes to Cook Inlet in a big hurry. It is best to mind your footing during the changing of these tides.

Take a walk together and explore the world around you. You never know what joys you will find in your togetherness.