Monday, March 31, 2014

Visiting Alaska this Summer

We will be hosting some very special guests this summer!  Trip of a life time for a very dear to our hearts family and we cannot wait to show them around this part of Alaska. Anchorage is the first stop and will be our home base for travels around the south-central part of the state.

Check out all that there is to see and do in the big city. 

We will pack in as many fun treks and sights into one week that are humanly possible! See you soon!

Friday, March 28, 2014

High Five Friday for DQ Treats

High Five Friday for DQ Treats!
Life in the big city has its advantages!


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Good Friday Earthquake

"Fifty years ago, on Friday, March 27, 1964, right around dinnertime, Anchorage residents experienced four minutes of violent shaking in what they would soon learn was a 9.2-magnitude earthquake. The images from downtown Anchorage are legendary with their sharply buckled streets beside building facades reduced to rubble.

At 5:36 p.m. on the fourth floor of the Turnagain Arms Apartments on 3rd Avenue, Edith Lindsay held on to her kitchen wall to keep from being thrown to the floor. At midnight, still reeling, she sat down to write to her daughter Laurie, a college student in Bellingham, Wash., reassuring her—and maybe herself—by repeating in bookend phrasing at the beginning and end of her letters, “We are all O.K.”"

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

South of Denali Park

More photos from our drive to Anchorage.  These photos were taken just south of Denali National Park entrance by Carlo Creek.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Drive from FAI to ANC

We spent last weekend in Fairbanks working on the cabin project and packing up more of our belongings. When it was time to drive back to Anchorage it was a delightful 356 mile mini road trip. The road was good, the view was great and the company was outstanding.

Happy Monday!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Cabin Project ~ Sunny Day

Lov'in the sunshine on the cabin! We could not have picked a better piece of land this side of town.

Happy Saturday!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Cabin Project ~ Flooring & More Flooring

It was a great weekend working on the cabin project and I even had a hand in setting five rows of flooring. Think I just might put this task on my resume.

Have a great weekend and good luck on any and all projects you have planned.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Cabin Project ~ Kitchen Cabinets

Our job foreman and hero spent a couple of days working on installing the kitchen cabinets and working on the last of the electrical outlets. The cabin is shaping up into a real home.

Hooray for hero’s in each of our lives!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


If I had to describe my new town in one word ~ that word would be unpredictable! As in, the weather here is a bit unpredictable. One day it is warm and sunny with melting snow and the next day, winter storm snowy driving to work day.

Happy snowy, it is still winter here, day to you and yours!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Alaska -vs- The Lower 48

This is one of the best maps I have seen that overlays Alaska with the lower 48.  The line from the East Coast to Fairbanks represents the Alaska Highway from Dawson to Fairbanks.

Happy Tuesday!
Any road trips in your future?

Friday, March 14, 2014

High Five Friday for all Things Yellow

High five Friday for all things yellow and an awesome husband who knows just the right pick to brighten up my new office!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wonderful Words

Oh the joy of receiving a sweet surprise letter in the mail. Only days before our move to Anchorage I received a wonderful letter from one of my childhood BBF’s sister, Dawn. I have two very special BBF’s (best friends forever) from my childhood in Minnesota, both of which are so very near and dear to my heart that I burst with joy at just the thought of their names. And even though we have lived 3,000 miles apart for most of our friendship we have been able to maintain a friendship that will last all our days and then some. I cannot praise CJ or Lisa enough for always sharing the love with me and my family. They rock the love in all ways admirable.

To top off this short story of friendship and admiration along come a card in the mail filled with love and joy and full of sharing all that is good in each of us. Thank you Dawn for your kind words. We are all made better by our friendships and your sister, Lisa, is my inspiration on how to be a friend worth having. I cannot wait to be able to hang out with Auntie Dawn sometime soon!

Remember to always share the love!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Green Tuesday!

What a treat to be able to walk around a small greenhouse in the beginning of March in Alaska. Anchorage is a more temperate climate than Fairbanks and there is more green to be found on a winter day.

Happy Tuesday! Spring is coming and our green days will outnumber the white.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

New Loveseat

We are getting settled into our new home and only have a few boxes left to unpack from the first load of belongs that we brought down two weeks ago. Our new home in Anchorage is about 400 square feet smaller than our home in Fairbanks so we have had to make some compromises. A new loveseat in place of a full size couch was just what we needed to make the living room feel comfy but not cramped.

It has been a great first two weeks and I am grateful for all the blessing we have received along the way. Thank you to everyone who has kept us in their thoughts and prays. You are a HUGE comfort ~ thank you!

Friday, March 7, 2014

High Five Friday for City Ninja Status

I am adjusting to the commute to and from my new home to my new job in the big city.  
 High Five Friday for City Ninja Status!

How is your Friday so far?
Here's to a good weekend ahead!


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Cabin Project ~ Flooring Continues

Looks good!  Can't wait to see the progress in person.  Thanks Brett for keeping me updated.

And not much waste...

Rock on!

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Sacred Space Yoga Studio, Mount Airy, NC

Doesn't this photo just make you want to run to the store this very second and buy yoga clothes and yoga? Peaceful surroundings for a peaceful state of mind. 

Here's to a peaceful weekend!