Saturday, December 27, 2014
Afternoon Walk
We spent another lunch time on an afternoon walk and let me tell you it is such a joy to walk along the frosty path with my best friend! Thank you best fella for always being willing to go out of your way to walk with me at lunch time!
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Where do I belong? This is something that I have asked myself many times over the years, and as my life has grown, and changed so has the answer. I am not just talking about what community do I call home, it goes just a bit deeper. Currently my question of belonging is centered more around extended family.
Living in Alaska and a Brazilian miles away from our family of origin there are only a few of us that are lucky enough to have extended family that also live here. But it is a big state and sometimes it is a full day’s travel to get to someone’s house. Some of us will go out of our way to visit our extended family. If it is important enough to you, you will make the drive and put in the time.
If there is a big event, a wedding, a graduation or milestone anniversary then it is customary and polite to invite family. Family and extended family alike and as I recently read on Twolfgcd’s Blog post Invitation, “It doesn't take much. And somehow, just by having an invitation offered to us, we feel like we “belong”, or at the very least, that our company is desired and wanted. In this world that can be so very hard and indifferent, that is a nice thing.”
To someone with a lonely broken heart an invitation can change everything. Have you forgotten anyone? Did you send out all the invitations?
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Sunday, December 21, 2014
It's Dark in Here
Just how dark it is, and just how dark it could become is all in your perspective. When you live in the extreme northern (or southern) latitudes there can be a dramatic and quick change in the amount of possible daylight that each day brings from season to season. Fall to winter especially can be disturbing to most folks, add in the daylight savings time with its striking fall back change in the evening and this could send a person right over the edge.
Let’s talk latitude. Anchorage is at 61° 13’ 5” N latitude and Fairbanks is at 64° 50’ 16” N, the three degrees difference might not sound like it would matter much but it does. In fact this adds up to a difference of one hour and 44 minutes more possible sunlight in Anchorage on winter solstice, which again might not sound like it would matter much but truly it does, believe you me, it does. Also take into consideration that a full hour of this difference is in the afternoon making Anchorage the winner of this race.
Let’s talk perspective, most Anchorage residences (in my opinion) do not have a true sense of what living in Alaska is all about; in my time here I have met many folks who have called Anchorage home for 30 plus years and they seem to have a skewed perspective of the state in which they live.
If I had a nickel for each time I heard some mamby pamby Anchor-town resident complain about how dark it is or just how dark it is going to be at winter solstice, I’d be a rich person as the saying goes.
But given their perspective and the fact that they think they live in Alaska on the edge of nowhere, in the dark, I’ll throw them one bone of agreement, as it is their perspective, and I cannot necessarily take that away from them. But do keep in mind that only a handful of these Anchor-town folks that I am talking about have visited Fairbanks, once, in the summer time, so their point of reference is vastly slanted. From my perspective this is paradise compared to the cold and dark of Fairbanks or Barrow for that matter, so I am enjoying the amount of sunlight allotted me each day in Anchor-town and I quietly roll my eyes at others piteous grumbling.
Happy winter solstice everyone! Bask in the glow of the sun and the warmth of the love you share!
Friday, December 19, 2014
High Five Friday for Chocolate
High five Friday of chocolate and Alaska Wild Berry Products!
Christmas in coming and it is time to enjoy sharing the love of chocolate love!
Friday, December 12, 2014
Monday, December 8, 2014
Faith and Resilience
When I am feeling the warm surrounding comfort of my faith, faith in the Lord, I am a dandelion that can withstand any dry spell, as I know it is all part of the plan for my life. I have faith that I am exactly where I am supposed to be at that exact moment. I am up for the challenge of what’s next.
On dark gray parched days when all seems wrong in my world, when there is no soothing balm to be seen for miles, that is when my faith wavers. I am an orchid in need of extra kindness and devotion by the gardeners in my life. These are also the times I find myself asking “why me” and wondering if I have been forgotten.
Do we ask ourselves “why me” when we are feeling low and without faith? And on the contrary when our faith is strong do we ask ourselves “what next”?
Does our faith make us more resilient? For me there is peace in knowing that my faith will guide me through the harsh days when my dandelion self says to the world “bring it on”. Likewise during my orchid days or weeks, as are sometimes the case, my faith again will guide me to trust in our Lord and lean on my gardeners to nurture my tender soul so that I can bloom again.
Have faith in your resilience and the Lord.
Share the love often and always!
On dark gray parched days when all seems wrong in my world, when there is no soothing balm to be seen for miles, that is when my faith wavers. I am an orchid in need of extra kindness and devotion by the gardeners in my life. These are also the times I find myself asking “why me” and wondering if I have been forgotten.
Do we ask ourselves “why me” when we are feeling low and without faith? And on the contrary when our faith is strong do we ask ourselves “what next”?
Does our faith make us more resilient? For me there is peace in knowing that my faith will guide me through the harsh days when my dandelion self says to the world “bring it on”. Likewise during my orchid days or weeks, as are sometimes the case, my faith again will guide me to trust in our Lord and lean on my gardeners to nurture my tender soul so that I can bloom again.
Have faith in your resilience and the Lord.
Share the love often and always!
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Are you a dandelion or an orchid? Or are you somewhere in between? I would gather that most of us are both, given the variety of circumstances we find ourselves standing at during different times in our lives.
Dandelions are known to be resilient and feisty plants that seem to grow and flourish under all sorts of conditions. They thrive in deficiency or surfeit of resources such as water or sunlight. They seem to be able to take whatever is thrown their way and succeed.
Orchids on the other hand have the reputation of being difficult to grow, tough to make bloom, and downright problematic to propagate from division or seed. Most of us that have tried to keep orchids as house plants have found them to be a bit of a challenge. It can be a comfort to know that even for a few professional growers some orchid varieties are almost impossible to encourage to grow and bloom.
So are you an orchid or a dandelion or somewhere in between? What do you need to grow and flourish?
What makes you resilient?
Monday, December 1, 2014
"How Children Succeed" by Paul Tough
There are quirky ways that information filters into our lives each and every day. Last week I stumbled upon the below book review and today I could not tell you how it happened.
This is from the Sunday Book Review - The New Your Times written by Annie Murphy Paul published August 12,2012
Below are the parts of the book review that stood out for me but please read the entire review for yourself by clicking HERE.
“Most readers of The New York Times probably subscribe to what Paul Tough calls “the cognitive hypothesis”: the belief “that success today depends primarily on cognitive skills — the kind of intelligence that gets measured on I.Q. tests, including the abilities to recognize letters and words, to calculate, to detect patterns — and that the best way to develop these skills is to practice them as much as possible, beginning as early as possible.” In his new book, “How Children Succeed,” Tough sets out to replace this assumption with what might be called the character hypothesis: the notion that noncognitive skills, like persistence, self-control, curiosity, conscientiousness, grit and self-confidence, are more crucial than sheer brainpower to achieving success.”
“The part of the brain most affected by early stress is the prefrontal cortex, which is critical in self-regulatory activities of all kinds, both emotional and cognitive. As a result, children who grow up in stressful environments generally find it harder to concentrate, harder to sit still, harder to rebound from disappointments and harder to follow directions. And that has a direct effect on their performance in school. When you’re overwhelmed by uncontrollable impulses and distracted by negative feelings, it’s hard to learn the alphabet.” Paul Tough book “How Children Succeed”
“Children can be buffered from surrounding stresses by attentive, responsive parenting, but the adults in these children’s lives are often too burdened by their own problems to offer such care.”
“He explores the research of Suniya Luthar, a psychology professor at Teachers College, Columbia University. Luthar “found that parenting mattered at both socioeconomic extremes. For both rich and poor teenagers, certain family characteristics predicted children’s maladjustment, including low levels of maternal attachment, high levels of parental criticism and minimal after-school adult supervision. Among the affluent children, Luthar found, the main cause of distress was ‘excessive achievement pressures and isolation from parents — both physical and emotional.’ ”
“Character-building combination of support and autonomy…”
This is from the Sunday Book Review - The New Your Times written by Annie Murphy Paul published August 12,2012
Below are the parts of the book review that stood out for me but please read the entire review for yourself by clicking HERE.
The book is “How Children Succeed" by Paul Tough
“Most readers of The New York Times probably subscribe to what Paul Tough calls “the cognitive hypothesis”: the belief “that success today depends primarily on cognitive skills — the kind of intelligence that gets measured on I.Q. tests, including the abilities to recognize letters and words, to calculate, to detect patterns — and that the best way to develop these skills is to practice them as much as possible, beginning as early as possible.” In his new book, “How Children Succeed,” Tough sets out to replace this assumption with what might be called the character hypothesis: the notion that noncognitive skills, like persistence, self-control, curiosity, conscientiousness, grit and self-confidence, are more crucial than sheer brainpower to achieving success.”
“The part of the brain most affected by early stress is the prefrontal cortex, which is critical in self-regulatory activities of all kinds, both emotional and cognitive. As a result, children who grow up in stressful environments generally find it harder to concentrate, harder to sit still, harder to rebound from disappointments and harder to follow directions. And that has a direct effect on their performance in school. When you’re overwhelmed by uncontrollable impulses and distracted by negative feelings, it’s hard to learn the alphabet.” Paul Tough book “How Children Succeed”
“Children can be buffered from surrounding stresses by attentive, responsive parenting, but the adults in these children’s lives are often too burdened by their own problems to offer such care.”
“He explores the research of Suniya Luthar, a psychology professor at Teachers College, Columbia University. Luthar “found that parenting mattered at both socioeconomic extremes. For both rich and poor teenagers, certain family characteristics predicted children’s maladjustment, including low levels of maternal attachment, high levels of parental criticism and minimal after-school adult supervision. Among the affluent children, Luthar found, the main cause of distress was ‘excessive achievement pressures and isolation from parents — both physical and emotional.’ ”
“Character-building combination of support and autonomy…”
This book is now on my must read this year list.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Big Picture in the Smallness
Today I am looking for comfort in the big picture by looking at the smallness of the world around me. May the small wonders in each of our days bring joy to our hearts.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Kindness & Generosity
As the years have been added to my life my wisdom has grown to reflect a few revelations. We all have them but do we all take them to heart and give these revelations the credence they are due. Should that last sentence end in a question mark or a period? That is one of the punctuation rules that never did stick in my brain but what has stuck with me and grown is the meaning of kindness and generosity.
True kindness goes beyond a few good morning greetings or the holding of the door for the person behind you. True kindness is to speak up for someone who is not in the room when others choose to talk ill of them. You can do this by simply asking that the others end this part of the conversation and talk about a more pleasant subject matter or you can excuse yourself from the conversation and not take part. True kindness means to not express unfavorable light on someone when you would not say such words to their face. It is not finger pointing or placing blame just for diversion sake.
To be truly generous in not just the giving of gifts or trinkets wrapped in a pretty perfect bow. Generosity is something that comes from your spirit, from inside your heart.
The revelation that I have recently made about these two words, these two nouns, is that some people will learn the meaning of true kindness and generosity while others never will. It appears that some will live their entire lives being unkind to others that are around them. They will gossip and bad mouth like kindergarteners on the playground still trying to figure out where they are in the pecking order for the afternoon snack. Some of us never grow up to become kind and generous adults.
Perhaps it is just in my nature or perhaps it was part of my nurture but I know that I am a kind and generous person.
This part of my confidence still remains.
True kindness goes beyond a few good morning greetings or the holding of the door for the person behind you. True kindness is to speak up for someone who is not in the room when others choose to talk ill of them. You can do this by simply asking that the others end this part of the conversation and talk about a more pleasant subject matter or you can excuse yourself from the conversation and not take part. True kindness means to not express unfavorable light on someone when you would not say such words to their face. It is not finger pointing or placing blame just for diversion sake.
To be truly generous in not just the giving of gifts or trinkets wrapped in a pretty perfect bow. Generosity is something that comes from your spirit, from inside your heart.
The revelation that I have recently made about these two words, these two nouns, is that some people will learn the meaning of true kindness and generosity while others never will. It appears that some will live their entire lives being unkind to others that are around them. They will gossip and bad mouth like kindergarteners on the playground still trying to figure out where they are in the pecking order for the afternoon snack. Some of us never grow up to become kind and generous adults.
Perhaps it is just in my nature or perhaps it was part of my nurture but I know that I am a kind and generous person.
This part of my confidence still remains.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Where Did You Go?
Where did you go dear confidence? Why are you hiding from my sight? When exactly did you leave? It was just yesterday, or so it seems, that I felt confident and secure in the things that I knew and I could accomplish most tasks that were asked of me. But today I feel as if I know nothing, not even my name. Who am I without my confidence?
Friday, November 21, 2014
Ode to My Grandpa
Ode to Grandpa brave and strong who’s hard work and dedication built a family to which I am proud to belong.
So many stories over the years can be told of your spirit and triumphs at life’s every corner, each one a treasure to my heart worth gold.
Ode to my Grandpa brave and strong who’s warm smile is music to my soul and an honor to pass along.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Show & Tell
Show & Tell time! I just love show & tell time. It is where someone gets to show off a bit of their handy craft work or a really cool item that they own and tell a small story about said article.
Today I feature a widow that you have seen before and if I can find the post I will share it with you. This window is a treasure that we found at our local recycling center (a.k.a. the garbage transfer sight – you know – the dump) and the great thing about it was that it still had all of its original glass intact.
Not too long after it was cleaned up and hanging on our wall I was blessed with a very wonderful gift of the photograph of the cherry tree in the deep of winter. Since our move to Anchorage I have added two other black and white photos to accent my window.
The top left photo is from a very talented friend of a dear friend in Minnesota. It is of her back yard after a late spring snow storm that inspired me to write a few lines. Click HERE to see that post.
The bottom right photo is from the same photographer as the cherry tree, thank you Jake for always being willing to share your fine work with me. It is funny how I have a Brazilian photographs of my own that I think are fairly pleasing to the eye but I always choose to show off another’s great works.
Today I feature a widow that you have seen before and if I can find the post I will share it with you. This window is a treasure that we found at our local recycling center (a.k.a. the garbage transfer sight – you know – the dump) and the great thing about it was that it still had all of its original glass intact.
Not too long after it was cleaned up and hanging on our wall I was blessed with a very wonderful gift of the photograph of the cherry tree in the deep of winter. Since our move to Anchorage I have added two other black and white photos to accent my window.
The top left photo is from a very talented friend of a dear friend in Minnesota. It is of her back yard after a late spring snow storm that inspired me to write a few lines. Click HERE to see that post.
The bottom right photo is from the same photographer as the cherry tree, thank you Jake for always being willing to share your fine work with me. It is funny how I have a Brazilian photographs of my own that I think are fairly pleasing to the eye but I always choose to show off another’s great works.
What do you have to show & tell these days?
P.S. it was hard to get a decent photo of the window under the lighting conditions at the time.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Hi Ho Hi Ho ~ its Monday
Friday, November 14, 2014
High Five Friday for Weather
High five Friday for the daily temperature. A big frowny face for all my Minnesota friends and family. I am sure our day is coming, this is Alaska after all!
Share the love and the warm blanket!
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Veterans Day
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For photo credit click HERE |
Today we honor our heroes!
Above photo is a an example of the American aviator wings worn by the US Military for the FLIGHT NURSE - USAAF, circa 1939-1945 (W-123)
Wings pin description: One piece construction marked acid test in raised letters. Non gold washed wings were issued post 1943. Clutch back. Flight Nurse wings were worn by women of the Army Nurse Corps who completed an eight week training course for flight nurses. Flight nurses served aboard casualty evacuation aircraft such as DC-3 aircraft.
Wings pin description: One piece construction marked acid test in raised letters. Non gold washed wings were issued post 1943. Clutch back. Flight Nurse wings were worn by women of the Army Nurse Corps who completed an eight week training course for flight nurses. Flight nurses served aboard casualty evacuation aircraft such as DC-3 aircraft.
Friday, November 7, 2014
High Five Friday for Renewal
High five Friday for the Phoenix and the chance for renewal.
May the luster of a new days sun
bring you a restoration of spirit and hope!
bring you a restoration of spirit and hope!
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
What can we do? Can we hold it back? Absolutely not, we must create. We were created to coin a thing of beauty, a song that plucks at the heart, a poem that persuades its way into the soul, and a vision that holds the splendor of heaven itself.
Creating is the gift of what we are here to do.
Yesterday I asked myself: what have I created in my lifetime that embodies the grandeur of why I am here? First and foremost the answer is son number one and son number two. Creating a healthy happy bright and loving family is one of the greatest ways for me to exemplify the glory of the gift I was given.
Today I ask myself: what will I create in my future that embodies the dignity of why I am here?
Monday, November 3, 2014
Milestone ~ 1300
It was a slow start and at times the task ahead was daunting but the love is always worth sharing. Here is to tons of love that fill your heart with joy and my 1,300th post!
Friday, October 31, 2014
Pardon Me
Pardon me Miss but would you mind if I sat down beside you and had just a small sip of your coffee?
Happy last day of October and may Halloween treat you with only the good kind of tricks. Don't eat all your candy in one setting.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Getting Pumpkin Girl Ready for Winter
Test run for our new engine pre-heater and fitting the new gust locks as we get Pumpkin Girl ready for winter. We are looking forward to a bit of early winter flying and photographing the scenery.
Happy Wednesday! Hump day!
Funny that this terminology has made a come back.
Funny that this terminology has made a come back.
Enjoy each moment no matter how small or grand.
Share the love!
Monday, October 27, 2014
Raw Photo Post Production
This is my formal self-welcome to the digital age and a new way of thinking about photography, which of course might not be new to you but it is still a fairly new concept to me in the way I practice the art of photography. This ol' dog is learning a few new techniques and I owe all the thanks to our oldest son for the introduction to the program RawTherapee. You might think that I should not tag myself as “ol’ dog” but you should know that I am the daughter of photographers and have been developing my own film and printing my own photographs since I was 10 years old. I will always be able to taste the fix in the air at just the thought of the word darkroom.
So as I baby step into my new darkroom and learn to operate the digital enlarger along with mixing the digital chemicals to obtain the perfect exposure, contrast and saturation, I am delighted to know that I just might be able to accomplish a respectable piece of work.
Here are two of my first raw post-processing photographs using RawTherapee.
So as I baby step into my new darkroom and learn to operate the digital enlarger along with mixing the digital chemicals to obtain the perfect exposure, contrast and saturation, I am delighted to know that I just might be able to accomplish a respectable piece of work.
Here are two of my first raw post-processing photographs using RawTherapee.
Before |
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After |
Before |
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After |
Here's to the start of a renewed hobby and baby steps!
Photos were taken along the spit in Homer.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Are you looking for a place to find your enthusiasm?
Is there something missing from your day to day?
Is there something missing from your day to day?
Me too!
P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sidney. You in?
P.S. this is code for we need something new in our lives.
What new and joyful activity or project are you thinking about adding to your day to day?
Thursday, October 23, 2014
New Town is Turning Around
Do I feel a connection to my new home, to Anchorage? Sometimes I do yet there seems to be a lot of obstacles in my way between comfortable acceptance and pushed away discouragement. My coworkers aren't as forthcoming with the friendliness that I am used to, and since this is where I spend the majority of my time it adds to the level of discouragement I feel. Having lived in Fairbanks for the majority of my life, where there always seems to be an instant connection between you and the new person you have just met, and fast friendships are easy to form, it is a disappointment to find the people of Anchorage to be standoffish, snobby even.
I was warned before we moved here that folks in Anchorage do not welcome new comers to town with open arms but like all naive folks I had high hopes that all would be splendid.
Each day I pray for grace and peace in my heart. Each day I thank the Lord for all his blessings. And each day the time I spend at work gets a little bit better. I am thankful for each day’s joyful moments and will continue to bask in the good that comes my way.
Change is never easy and finding the happy new normal can be a challenge, one that I will strive to rise up to and triumph over.
Turning around my new town into something I want it to be!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
There are those days when you reflect on your life and it comes to mind that there are some special people that were there just at the right time when you needed a little help. Well in my case this was a time when I needed a handful of help and these gentlemen towered to the occasion.
I am indebted to your gratitude and kindness. May the day treat you well.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Finally ~ All is Right in the World
Winter has arrived in Anchor-town and finally all is right in the world for me. It was a nice long fall but it was time. Bring on winter, bring on peace on earth and the season of extra love.
Drive safe my friends!
Friday, October 17, 2014
Flattop Mountain
So can you guess which one of these peaks is Flattop Mountain?
Yup you're right!
Happy Friday friends near and far!
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Smart Enough
I was recently asked what courses I was teaching at my new job at UAA and my reply was “Oh I’m not smart enough to be a faculty member; I am just an admin in the college.” As I reflect back on this moment in time I wonder what in the world possessed me to give this answer. Why I would use such self-defeating words towards myself and the person I was talking to is beyond me.
I am smart enough and I am more than ‘just an admin’, I am the glue that holds the department together. I set the stage for the success of our students and our faculty. The work I do takes an immense amount of organizational skills to complete the multitude of tasks in a timely manner, meeting all the deadlines with ease might I add. The training required to wade through all the different computer databases to retrieve copious amounts of information is numerous and ever changing. I am not just – JUST – I am so much more!
I am smart enough and could be that faculty member but that is not the path where my choices guided my life. There are many factors that contributed to where I am today. The generation in which I was born, my community and family culture, and our financial status all had a huge influence on the choices I made, and the directions that I turned when I became a young woman.
When I was a young person I remember hearing on many occasions that college was a waste of time, that it was just a piece of paper. Then when I was first attending college it was a popular comment among my extended family that I was simply there to get my MRS. Degree. To them it was merely a small, off the cuff comment that somehow had a huge impact on my life.
Was that all I was destined to be, a Mrs.?
I thought so at the time and decided that spending money on a college education, a piece of paper was not feasible so I turned to career training instead and at a young age became a Mrs. I was soon blessed with two sons and I stayed at home with them when they were babies. I would not trade those five years for anything, not even all the riches in the world.
Does it take brains and smarts to be a good Mrs. and to be a great Mom? YES! Is it admirable and courageous to be a full time Mom? YES! Raising your children, being a true Mom to them, is the most important job you will ever claim title to on your resume, your curriculum vitae.
So why would I say such words as I did that evening? I truly do not know, but what I do know is I regret saying those words and hope to never again hear self-destructive words in my ears from my own lips.
We are all smart! We are all exceptional! We are all mighty! We only have to find our hearts goal. Is an education important? Yes! Whether this education is in the form of career training, apprenticeship or college coursework, all of these come in the form of a piece of paper and open multiple doors and numerous opportunities.
And throughout all my choices in life I am exactly where I was meant to be and in fact I am very pleased with who I am and where my life has lead me.
I am smart enough and I am more than ‘just an admin’, I am the glue that holds the department together. I set the stage for the success of our students and our faculty. The work I do takes an immense amount of organizational skills to complete the multitude of tasks in a timely manner, meeting all the deadlines with ease might I add. The training required to wade through all the different computer databases to retrieve copious amounts of information is numerous and ever changing. I am not just – JUST – I am so much more!
I am smart enough and could be that faculty member but that is not the path where my choices guided my life. There are many factors that contributed to where I am today. The generation in which I was born, my community and family culture, and our financial status all had a huge influence on the choices I made, and the directions that I turned when I became a young woman.
When I was a young person I remember hearing on many occasions that college was a waste of time, that it was just a piece of paper. Then when I was first attending college it was a popular comment among my extended family that I was simply there to get my MRS. Degree. To them it was merely a small, off the cuff comment that somehow had a huge impact on my life.
Was that all I was destined to be, a Mrs.?
I thought so at the time and decided that spending money on a college education, a piece of paper was not feasible so I turned to career training instead and at a young age became a Mrs. I was soon blessed with two sons and I stayed at home with them when they were babies. I would not trade those five years for anything, not even all the riches in the world.
Does it take brains and smarts to be a good Mrs. and to be a great Mom? YES! Is it admirable and courageous to be a full time Mom? YES! Raising your children, being a true Mom to them, is the most important job you will ever claim title to on your resume, your curriculum vitae.
So why would I say such words as I did that evening? I truly do not know, but what I do know is I regret saying those words and hope to never again hear self-destructive words in my ears from my own lips.
We are all smart! We are all exceptional! We are all mighty! We only have to find our hearts goal. Is an education important? Yes! Whether this education is in the form of career training, apprenticeship or college coursework, all of these come in the form of a piece of paper and open multiple doors and numerous opportunities.
And throughout all my choices in life I am exactly where I was meant to be and in fact I am very pleased with who I am and where my life has lead me.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Galapagos on the M/Y Grace
Princess Grace Kelly's royal honeymoon yacht, today offers the most unique cruising experience in the Galapagos Islands.
Who wants to joins us?
P.S. this video from YouTube does not play on smart phones, you will have to find a computer.
Click HERE for the YouTube video.
P.S. this video from YouTube does not play on smart phones, you will have to find a computer.
Click HERE for the YouTube video.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Great Grandma's Art
Today I celebrate the joy that fills my heart seeing my Great Grandma's art. She was born in 1901 in rural Nebraska and spent her teenage years living in Wyoming. She was a teacher, a musician's wife, a fashion statement on a small budget and chief deputy tax clerk of Eugene Oregon when she retired. I am truly blessed to have gotten to know her as a young person and to now have some of her belongings and journals.
Passing along the joy of family past to the future! May we each have a story worth telling, one filled with love and happy memories.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Sky's the Limit
The sky's the limit when it comes to adventure and going places to see the people that you love.
Share the love!
Friday, October 3, 2014
High Five Friday for Alaska
High five Friday for Alaska ~ If you have always said "Oh I want to go there", then do it! Just DO IT!
High five for living in a place where dreams come true!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Moose on Campus
A young momma moose and her young one, that was born this spring, hanging out on campus. Geese and bears and moose oh my what a busy campus this is in the middle of busy town Anchorage.
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