Monday, October 31, 2011

Winter Firewood

On Saturday we finished splitting the last of the firewood supply for this winter at Mom and Dad's. It took the two of us working about two and a half hours to split three cords of wood. We were working like madman being chased by a boogeyman and today we are sure paying the price.

As we worked along lifting, twisting, bending, splitting, tossing, moaning and the occasional aaaaggggghhhwww in the cool temperatures, one of the things that kept us going was the realization that this is the last time this winter we will have to split firewood. The fact that we are not trying to complete this task at -40 degrees, like in years past, also made it easier.

Sunday morning we enjoyed our coffee in front of our gas fireplace. Warm and toasty at the push of a button complete with the glow of dancing flame.

Here's to a cozy winter ahead for everyone and that we are all able to keep the winter boogeyman at bay!


Friday, October 28, 2011

Primrose Friday

To all my dear friends and followers ~
have a wonderful primrose Friday!


Photo is from our front yard flower box,
a long leaf or mealy primrose growing rouge. 
This was the first summer it has bloomed in about seven years.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Challenge Update

Challenge update:
36.7 miles
~ I know lame amount of miles ~

These miles include some walking outdoors and the rest 
on the elliptical. They might seem small but they pack a mighty punch.

Besides ~ you have to start somewhere.
I have some catching up to do.

How about you? How is the 240 mile challenge going?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Word of the Day ~ Mysophobia



noun: An irrational fear of dirt.

From Latin myso-, from Greek mysos (filth) + -phobia (fear). Earliest documented use: 1879.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Taking a chance to move forward with your life can be a huge step.  Either an emotional change or a financial one the choices can be mountains of sharp rocks, step wrong and you could get cut deep but keep your footing and the vista just over the top will be breathtaking.

Moving on and letting go of all the past hurts and keeping all the good memories intact is the real trick.  Changes that were not your choice just might be the hardest to navigate. 

Take stock of what and who in your life you hold dear and map your way to a happier future.  There are not any starter kits for life you just have to figure it out as you sail along.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Yesterday Today & Tomorrow

Yesterday we were all in excruciating pain
Today I understand your absence
Tomorrow I will have to move on

You're not the only one hurting
You're not the only one that weeps
All our hearts have a hole a mile deep

I have given my all to ease others' ache
Your phone rang, your box received mail
My house remained silent and still

Yesterday we had our kingpin
Today we are still searching for a reason
Tomorrow I will have to move on

Written by Julia Mist D'June October 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011

When The Time is Right

"It can be a real long road
It can be a lonely night
When you’re on your own
And you’re running out of light"

When The Time is Right
by Griffin House


Friday, October 21, 2011

Nights Such as These

Alone with my thoughts on this dark and cold night, my attentions drift to you. Pondering over your welcoming smile I remember happy days spent in your friendship.  

It is on nights such as these I long to be encircled in your embrace and to be in the company of your laughter.


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Snowy Morning

I stand in the quiet of the morning with a fresh layer of snow buffeting the sounds of the passing cars.  Behind the trees the city lights glow and illuminate the horizon with an orange hue.  There is peace this morning in our world. A blanket of comfort covers everything. My heart rests easy on this unruffled morning.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Word of the Day ~ Anomia


noun: The inability to recall names of people or objects.
From Latin a- (without) + nom (name). Earliest documented use: 1900. Don't confuse the word with anomie.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Noah's Ark

You might have see this before but it recently crossed my path again and it is worth posting here!

Everything I need to know, I learned from Noah's Ark. 

ONE:   Don't miss the boat.
TWO:   Remember that we are all in the same boat!
THREE: Plan ahead.  It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.
FOUR:  Stay fit.  When you're 60 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.
FIVE:  Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.
SIX:   Build your future on high ground.
SEVEN: For safety's sake, travel in pairs.
EIGHT: Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.
NINE:  When you're stressed, float awhile.
TEN:   Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.
ELEVEN: No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow waiting.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Leaving Home

Leaving home to come home leaves you with an empty space and a sense of abandonment that is not easily filled.  There is just something about the smiling faces that greet you upon your arrival that make the long flights and busy airports all worthwhile.

We were also embraced by the golden rays of the fall sun, warming to the skin and refreshing to the soul.  Geese were flying overhead and I am sure these are some of the same geese that left Alaska weeks prior on their journey home for the winter.

It was a week spent enjoying the company of the TTVVBBFFAAE’s and their families and also my family in Maple Grove.  A week of laughter and joy not long forgotten and will always be remembered.

TTVVBBFFAAE ~ correct me if I get this wrong Alexis ~ True True Very Very Best Best Friends Forever And All Eternity!
Bear, our youngest son, picked us up at the airport and when we arrived home we were welcomed by the lighted pumpkins that he and his brother had carved the night before.

The glowing light of carved pumpkins on the porch was a very special treat and a kind thoughtful touch.  Thank you Bear ~ you’re AWESOME!


These photos were taken Sunday morning ~ yup we woke up to S*N*O*W.  I think winter is here to stay.

Stay warm and carry a warm heart!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Stepping Out

We are stepping out for a few days. In the mean time explore some of the older posts.  I have been blogging here since fall of 2008 so there are quite a few posts that you might have missed or would enjoy reading again.

Have a good weekend ahead.
~ ~ ~

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Childhood Friends ~ Best Friends

This photo is from my best friend's birthday party, I think we were in second grade ~ correct me CJ if I am not remembering correctly.  At any rate when we meet we become fast friends and that friendship has lasted a life time.  We hold a special place in each others lives and hearts and even though we have lived miles apart for all of our adult lives it is wonderful to know that she is someone I call whenever I have need of a good laugh and a heart warming hello! We are friends now and forever! 

I would like to give a special thank you to both of our Mothers ~ if it was not for each of you and your dedication in driving us around the state of Minnesota to meet up we might have drifted apart.
I want you both to know just how much it means to me today to have CJ in my life!  Words can never repay the gratitude I feel!
Can you guess which little girl face is mine in this photo?  Most or all of you can... yep second from the left!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Big Jet Plane

Currently listening to Big Jet Plane by Angus and Julia Stone

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Moose ~ Down Town

We were at an intersection and going to cross ~ when BAM ~ 
this fella decided that he was going to cross first!  
So we just kept going straight ahead and waited for 
Mr. Moose to decide which way he wanted to go.

Mr. Moose took a left past the Dodge truck that seemed to shrink in comparison to the moose.

Then we thought we were in the clear as he was headed down the hill ~ nope he turned around and was headed straight for us ~ we stopped the truck wondering which way he was going to go.

When he gave me the stink-eye I knew it was time to move along and not worry which way he was going but to be about our own business. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Around the Big Town

As we walked around down town Anchorage we went in several shops that sell touristy items.  This shop ~ they had the word Bear in their name ~ was loaded up with tons of t-shirts and sweat shirts in every color under the sun.  We had a good time shopping for gifts to take with us on our trip to the land of 'ya sur yu betcha' next week.

The last place we ate before Kenny had to take me to the airport was the City Diner.  We shared a plate of fish & chips and then the mother of all hot fudge sundaes!  My Dad would be so proud!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Simon & Seafort's

It was a wonderful anniversary supper!  It started off with oven roasted king crab and artichoke dip ~ spinach salad for Kenny and butternut squash soup for me ~ the main course for Kenny was steak stuffed with blue cheese and I had the halibut cheeks and to end the night off ~ vanilla burnt cream ~ yummy!

What a great way to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary!  Thanks for letting me share and for reading the story of our evening out on the big town of Anchorage.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Anchorage ~ Big Town

Photos of down town Anchorage.  The photos go from right to left ~ south east to north east looking towards the mountains.  We stayed at the Captain Cook Hotel and had a great room on the 18th floor ~ it was awesome!  It drizzled a bit in the late evening but not enough to keep us from walking to the restaurant for supper out for our anniversary!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Carlo Creek ~ After Tourists Leave

In the photo at the top it is hard to see the snow covered mountain so I took a second photo so that you can see just how wonderful this area looks pre-winter.   This is where we stayed the first night of our Alaska trip summer 2011 with Candee and Aunt Rhonda.

We miss you Candee ~ it was such a GREAT trip ~ let’s do that again.  Bring Bob this time he needs to enjoy all the fun Alaska has to offer!

See you soon!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Road to Anchorage

Driving the road to Anchorage was a nice way to spend the afternoon.  Kenny & I left Fairbanks at 1:00 pm and headed south to Anchorage for the weekend. The first two photos were taken just past Nenana and the other two are just past the park entrance.  The road was mostly dry, no ice or snow but you could tell that it had snowed here not too long ago.

There was a bit of rain between Byers Lake and Willow but nothing that interfered with the enjoyable drive.

Monday, October 3, 2011

All Gone

Summer leaves are all gone and we are ready for winter.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Getting Ready for Winter

Bear cleaning the wood stove flue on the main house.
He did get the brush stuck!  
Silly Giant!

The oldest son was able to stop by for dinner and help out with a few of the getting ready for winter tasks then his homework was calling his name.  Great to see you!

Mom's greenhouse is all battened down for winter!

Kenny working on the four wheeler ~ fixing it so it will go into reverse.

Bear and Grandma putting roofing on the small wood storage box that will be outside the garage to keep the wood supply for the garage dry.

The only thing left on the 'getting ready for winter list' is more wood for the house heat!  