Monday, January 31, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I would like to share with you a little tid-bit about myself ~ I like a clean house.  I more than like it, I love it!  A clean house especially a clean kitchen makes me giddy.  Order and organization are a must.  I know most of you are laughing and saying to yourselves "say it isn't so, you never would have guessed that about me".

Well I have been working on this ~ as some call it ~ obsessive behavior and have been able to let the dishes be for an entire week!

I know gross isn't it!

Well I could not take it any more!

All cleaned up and ready for the next meal.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

You Know it's Getting Close to Spring

You know it’s getting close to springtime in Alaska as the crazy people start to come out of hiding and try to rejoin society and all the social norms we have grown to know and love.  Granted Alaska is cold and dark for three straight months and these environmental effects can affect us in different ways.

I would like to share with you an email I received recently.  These types of emails and phone calls are not uncommon in my work place.  The funny thing is I work at a university where one of our main missions is to educate, I wonder what type of education the folks who sent this email might need?

Have a read and let me know what you think?

“I was referred to your department by the Alcohol Beverage Control Board. 

My husband and I feel he was poisoned for over a year by a local bartender.  Once we suspected he was being poisoned we took a couple of samples and kept part of a glass to be tested at a later date.  It is too expensive to send samples to be tested and wondered if you would be interested in having these samples as a project for one of your classes. 

Thank you for your consideration.”


Monday, January 24, 2011


Don't forget to breathe!
Keep your head above water
and don't forget to breathe.

Currently listening to Breathe by Alexi Murdoch


Friday, January 21, 2011

Post Number 401

The semester started with a rush yesterday. Disoriented students, lost classrooms and -36 degrees Fahrenheit kept us on our toes and in our boots. It is going to be a great semester.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Time Comes

A time comes when even smiles fade and all the light that you've seen dims into a quiet reflection of what youth thought it wanted to behold.

Years pass in endless waiting.  Waiting for what you thought you wanted.  Yet is what you wanted what you really need?  Or is what you have all there is to have?  Do you truly need anything more?

Friday, January 14, 2011

About Myself

When you are asked to describe yourself in a few short sentences what first comes to your mind?  Your age, marital status, do you have children or pets?  This is a tough question.  I too have a difficult time with this task and often draw a blank and quizzical look on my face.

Here are two of the best About Myself blurbs that I have read as of late.  Hope they make you smile too.

1) Married 37 years. Kids are grown and gone. 1 cat abandoned by son’s ex-girl friend, average life span of a cat is 16 years, only 12 years until death comes to visit – counting the days. Hobbies: Fly Fishing, Motorcycles

2) Married to the same fellow from boy to man and back again for fifty two years. Love him and our three children, my grandchildren and Milou our Westie, though not in any particular order, and seldom all on the same day.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Figure at a Window, Dali, 1925


If you were an outsider looking in on your life, what would you see?  What would you have to say about the life you see being lived?

Do you see a person who is true to their friends and family?

True to themselves?




Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Clear and a Million

The sky is clear and I can see a million miles from here.  The blue goes on and on forever broken only by the first rays of sunrise.

I hope your view is as good as mine on this fine beginning to the day!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Wonder?

Any one into numerology out there?
I wonder what great things this year will bring?!
Which is both a question and a statement.
Do you have a question?
Or something to contribute!
Please do!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Dog Days Are Over

"Happiness, hit her
Like a train on a track
Coming towards her
Struck, still no turning back"

Currently listening to Dog Days Are Over
by Florence + The Machine


Friday, January 7, 2011

Midnight Clear

Upon a midnight clear I saw the visions of happy people laughing and dancing into the night till the wee hours of morning. Upon a midnight clear in a forest of snow covered trees I saw a deer sleeping away the evening dreaming of warm summer feasts of green leaves. Upon a midnight clear my heart drifted away on the breeze, thankful for all the blessings received. Spring, summer, fall and even during the dark of winter, it's good to be here. 

Written by Julia Mist D’June ~ January 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Our Pantry Gets a New Floor

Over the break we completed the pantry floor project.  We took out the carpet (whoa gross) and put in laminate flooring that was leftover scraps from the main hallway and dining room when we re-floored those 12 years ago.  Should have done this years ago. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Hi-Ho Today's To Do List

Things to bring to work:

Happy Light
Water Bottle
Vitamin D3
One last thing ~ Go to work!

It was a great 16 days off and now it is back to the salt mines.
