Friday, April 30, 2010

One ~vs~ The Other

Are you stuck in a rut or a groove? Is your life one monotonous routine followed by the next task of equal boredom making you feel weary and beat down?

Or is your life filled with rhythm and forward movement? Are you in a groove that keeps your heart on the up beat?

Does the rain make your heart heavy in its grayness? Or do you see the hope of fresh air, green grass and the flowers that will follow the rain?

One versus the other ~ rut or a groove.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


In searching for ones self there can be a rediscovery of who you are or even just your name.

To reaffirm the connection between the Mistletoe and the Juniper and to know that they will forever be together.


Photo credit: Star Books---a block of the month applique design called Juniper and Mistletoe: A Forest of Applique.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kenny's Back

Kenny's back behind the yoke and is doing his duty to document the view from his office window. Check out the latest photos on Alaska Flying.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Do you fear something, anything? Is this fear something that you share with others or is it something you dread to speak out loud?

Are you afraid to be alone? Are you afraid to sleep at night? Or do you have an abnormal fear of thunder?

The phobia I am most afraid to possess is haphephobia: A morbid fear of being touched.

Hold my hand, sit close to me while we are watching television and hug me! HUG ME! HUG ME!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dust Bunny to Good Home

Dust Bunny to Good Home ~ Craigslist posting ~ too cute not to pass along.

Date: 2010-04-03, 4:22PM

Bunny (Dust breed) to good home. We're not sure of its gender, but it's VERY docile and quiet. Harvey is house-broken (unless frightened). Will sit, lie down and -with some nudging -roll over. Terrific pet. Extremely rare breed, however, and we would like to recover some of the costs of professional behavioral training and pet care supplies. All we ask is a minimal rehoming fee of $1,000. This little rascal is so lonely; we just don't have the time for him in our new life and my fiancé is allergic to dust it turns out. Our loss is your gain. God bless!

Thanks Kenny for the email!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Faithfully Remain

Ben Harper & Relentless 7 ~ White Lies for Dark Times

Currently listening to Faithfully Remain by Ben Harper

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Four Things


Four things you cannot reclaim

The Stone - once it is thrown

The Word - once it is said

The Occasion - once it is missed

Time - after is has passed

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Things that Make Me Smile

Green grass
Cumulus clouds
Summer time car rides ~ windows down ~ radio on
and sunshine!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Life is a Show

Enjoy the show!

Currently listening to The Show by Lenka 

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Big Brothers

To all my John Deere fanatic friends and brothers who might have a little sister....

Gotta love the deere!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


What I remember and what you remember can complete the picture of our life. Talking and sharing stories is like comparing photos from the other side of the room, bringing into focus the joy our hearts felt during those days of laughter.

As we grow and change what remains the same is the love we have for one another. What adheres us together might not be blood but an enduring everlasting love and friendship.

We live in a world separated not only by generations, like those before us, but by distance. We have become so globally mobile that we have lost touch with each other and our families have fractured.

How do we truly keep in touch? How can we keep the bonds of love strong? How do you keep small misunderstanding from becoming the wedge that fells the tree?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Name this Animal

...Monkey, cow or just a freak of nature?
Perhaps it is just a New York cow that is a bit
stuck up!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Name that Tool

Name this tool. Anybody? Anybody?

Added information it is about 12 inches long.
Added at 10:13 a.m. today

Check this out ~ I just found a modern day photo of this tool ~ a Spanner wrench.

Does any body know a fire fighter who could tell us the exact usefulness of this universal spanner wrench.

Product description:
The all-purpose wrench for 3/4 " to 3 " rocker lug and pin lug couplings. Features a belt hook eye, hammer head and a gas cock shutoff.

Manufactured by the Akron Brass Company!

How cool is that?!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Less is Ferociously More

Porsche Boxster Spyder ~ there is no substitute!
Designed with nothing extra between you and a pure driving experience.
I would take an aqua blue metallic with Carrera sport wheels

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Another Working Weekend

We spent Saturday at the property cutting down more trees to make room for the driveway and the cabins. It was a warm sunny day and the snow is melting fast.

The photo is of BBear, Kenny & the newest member of our family ~ Girly Girl Ginger. She apparently was out looking for a new master for her birthday. She either had not had one in a very long time or the one she had did not care for her or about her and treated her unfairly. Between the four of us she gets plenty of love and attention!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010


Can stuff soothe the spirit? Can things ease a restless soul? Can I find that one thing that will quiet my mind and settle my heart?

Walking around the stores alone and strolling down every direction I see so many beautiful things. Shiny newness and cozy warmness that I could buy, take home and perhaps feel more complete.

Alas it is just stuff. Stuff does not hug you back, stuff cannot fill any void in your heart. Stuff however can fill your home with clutter becoming dusty items that choke the air.

The magazines at the check out counter flash titles like 'How to De-clutter Your Life' or ' Organize Your Life with these Simple Steps'. Yet in order to find out more you have to buy the magazines and bring it home to add to your clutter.

Save your money ~ put it down and walk away! If you cannot wear it, eat it or drink it ~ give that thing a big thumbs down.

Less is more when it comes to stuff. More is wonderful when it comes to love!