Saturday, February 27, 2010

Filled with Sunshine

Little puffs of sunshine hang on the bush. Little streaks of sunshine peak through the clouds. Little rays of hope that promise a wonderful tomorrow are yours to have and to hold in your heart. Everyday is a blessing!

Have a blessed and wonderful birthday Lisa.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Open Spaces


There are miles of open spaces in the southwestern part of America. Miles and miles of brown sand, and cacti ranging is size and shape. The organ-pipe cactus, the prickly pear and the saguaro (saw-WAH-row) cactus and even the Joshua tree with their spines that prick. Everything on the ground will poke at you.

But you best watch your driving speed as they are watching from the air. I wonder how you would receive your speeding ticket ~ air mail?!


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Welcome Home


We made it home safe and sound and have spent the past few days getting our home life back in order. Laundry to do, trip trinkets to look at and my wild flowers to press. It was an AWESOME road trip!

We have tons of photos to share with you from our 1835 mile adventure around Arizona (bits of California and Nevada too) and this morning I will start us off with the books we found. My favorite is "The Lone Scout of the Sky". I was destined to love airplanes and the men who fly them, as a young girl the first school I attended was Lindbergh Elementary School.

Click on the photo to better read the forward ~ Be Prepared. The Eagle Scout in my life will enjoy this post ~ Hi Tom & Angie!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Special Birthday Greeting

To my favorite fly boy!
Photos taken November 1996 ~my very first DC6 ride ~ Fairbanks to Barrow.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Traveling the Open Road

Here is to life and all the grand adventures out there!
I just love road trips!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Marvel in Your Greatness


Oh to stand next to greatness. To marvel in the quiet power of a great man. Soft spoken, gentle words that utter the solemn oath of peace. Oh to stand in the shadow of the tallest tree with its roots deeply bound to earth and its branches reaching to heavens light.

Oh to be blessed with such a great man to be my father.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


They stand in the same room together. A million things to say and yet no words come forth. Their eyes give away the longing. Their hearts race. They talk about the weather. Parting with quiet resolve and go their separate ways.

Until next time ~ continue to dream of sunny warm afternoons by the lake shore.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


A for real shrunk dollar.
Can anyone tell me how this was accomplished?
Any chemistry folks out there?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ground Hogs Day ~ Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my favorite ground hog. This little fella sure looks like he had a gooood winter! I am looking for my winter shadow in the hopes that it looks the same size as this past fall.

Maintaining altitude and current course! Perhaps even descending some for a better view.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Month of Birthdays

Today starts the official greatest month to have a birthday. To all my very best'est friends and family who have a birthday in the month of February... Happy Birthday! Light a candle on your special day.